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the three yeahs have become a tradition now😭🤣

Rebecca Williams

Yay! This gave me something to watch when I close at work tonight 🤣


lol your hatred for this denny situation is really tickling me

Juan Jose (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-23 22:16:07 I think literally we all sing “yeah yeah yeah” with you in every reaction
2023-06-23 19:50:52 I think literally we all sing “yeah yeah yeah” with you in every reaction

I think literally we all sing “yeah yeah yeah” with you in every reaction

Edgerrin Brown (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-23 22:16:06 I hate Denny and this storyline even though Izzie is my favorite character. I’m excited for next episode.
2023-06-23 19:52:14 I hate Denny and this storyline even though Izzie is my favorite character. I’m excited for next episode.

I hate Denny and this storyline even though Izzie is my favorite character. I’m excited for next episode.

Adaline Blooms

You’re right; Alex Karev is adorable. At times at least 😆 He’s my favorite character. I’m on board the Denny’s-Gotta-Go train too! Watching it again now, I guess didn’t remember that part of the story stretching out so long. The Christina and Owen Hunt scenes were great. I’m glad you liked them.


I shed many a tear over this storyline with Meredith and the patient. I hate that I relate, having compassion for someone who probably doesn’t deserve it.. Also, I love seeing Alex in peds, so unexpected!

Sarika H

another Private Practice link … sort of … Tyne Daly (Shepards Mom) is Tim Daly (Pete) real life sister


When Owen returned the viewers got the impression that he was broken by the latest experience. And we've been unpeeling now the layers of trauma. That shower scene is truly heart-breaking. And really well acted on both Kevin and Sandra's part. On more positive note the Mark/Lexie storyline is cute and hilarious with all the secretive sneaking around. (I believe Mark is suppose to be about 40 here as you said to make sense as a contemporary of Derek) And Mark and Callie friendship is still one of the stronger ones. And I'm here for it always :)

SuBin Kim

Mark and Lexie have a 15/16 year age gap while in reality the actors have only a 9.5yrs age gap

Nessie- Je lis, et alors

Hi Travis ! I really like when TV shows makes us think about what we would if we were confronted to things such as "is it ok to feel compassion or pity for a serial killer ?", or any thought subject. I liked that in this episode, we start getting to know Owen Hunt a bit more (he is one of my favorite characters at this point of the show). I also think Arizona gives some fresh air to the show, because on that point I was starting to be very annoyed by the Denny situation/relationship with Izzie. It's a shame, because their relation was "better" when he was alive, even though his future was uncertain. Sloan, who is so freaking hot... and attractive, seems more vulnerable in this episode, and it helps getting to know him more too. This is funny watching him struggle with his brand new "relationship", as it is too soon to know if it's getting somewhere or not. I love his friendship with Callie, he truly respects her and he is very supportive and nice to her. Who is also growing ? Alex Karev of course ! How sweet he is with Izzie, I just can't !!! ;) See you for next episode ;) xx


I really dislike the end of the episode when the killer stars banging his head against the bed. I don’t know why but it always makes me feel uncomfortable

Stephanie Cole

I died when you said Derek and his mum had the same hair 😂