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Randee Carreno

Great reaction! 😊 This is a great way to start off a Friday morning. I finally got back here on Patreon, and spent yesterday catching up on some of the shows. Mainly this one, Charmed, and SPN. Glad that you're loving our dashingly handsome pirate Killian Jones aka Captain Hook. He's one of my favorite characters, and Colin O'Donoghue's on-screen chemistry with Jennifer Morrison is phenomenal. On to comments for this episode - Although Neal isn't my top favorite character, the actor Michael Raymond-James does a great job with some emotional scenes. Some in this episode. Love the scene when Neal finds out that Henry is his son. And then seeing Rumple again after so long. Looking forward to your next reaction. 😊

Sherry Palmer

I can't wait for the next one! But I will. Not gonna cheat and look ahead. LOL!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Manhattan- If I've told you once, I've told you twice... Once Upon a Time's twists are absolutely phenomenal! And there are so many you just don't see coming! I really, really love this episode a lot, because there are so many big reveals and it leaves you sitting down, staring at the screen with your mouth wide open, wondering... What on earth just happened? This episode isn't quite one of my favorites this season, but it's so, so close to being a favorite. I really do love it! It's really good. If I liked Neal just a little bit more than I do, then it would absolutely be one of my favorite episodes, if just for the twists and turns revealed to us alone. But because I have never been too big a fan of Neal as an overall character, I can't quite see this episode to be among all my favorites simply because Neal is such a big character throughout this episode. Also... I really wish other commenters would stop trying to discourage those who react to this episode of Once Upon a Time, from feeling a certain way about an upcoming event, or warn you not to feel so excited about something to come. Believe me, I have read so many other comments where the commenters try to hint at what's to come and that the reactors shouldn't like something in the future. For me personally... While the reveal of what's inside the box August shows to Neal within the brief flashback between them may be over-dramatized in the eyes of some fans of this show, I still really love it. It makes sense to me why August would reveal he knows the truth to Neal that he knows he's really Baelfire. Ugh... Please feel free to feel any way you wish to feel about an episode, and get excited for the big revelations, or let down by them when they come, if you truly feel this way. Don't let us try to influence you to feel the way we feel. Now... As I've mentioned, I'm not a really a fan of Neal's character since his introduction in the sixth episode... Tallahassee, for a few reasons. Some being more biased than others, and for reasons yet to be revealed. I didn't like him at all in Tallahassee, because I just didn't like his character. Especially for how he hurt Emma, in spite of August's role in Neal abandoning her. I can't say too much more because doing so would be spoilery. However, with this being said... I really do love how Neal turns out to be not only Henry's father like we knew about from Tallahassee, but also Gold's son as well. And I really do like him and his actor... Michael Raymond-James, in this episode, probably more so than I do in any other episode. I should have realized he would be Gold's son right away upon seeing that Mr. Gold brings Emma and Henry to New York City to find his son, as we knew from this season's premiere episode... Broken, that Neal also lives there, and is the only character we somewhat knew about outside of Storybrooke in which the big shock factor would make sense. Another heck of a coincidence... or not. :) I still just didn't see this reveal coming, which is really smart. Like I said above... I love the flashback to Tallahassee, when it's finally revealed what August shows Neal inside his box tied to the back of his bike. It's clear Neal knew about magic when August reveals what's inside the box, but that still could have meant Neal could have been anyone from the Enchanted Forest. So, this reveal that August knew that Neal is Gold's son, Baelfire, for me wasn't so obvious, and I really love it! And I really love the simplicity of the way August proves to Neal that he needed to hear him out... with merely a single line typed from his typewriter on a single piece of paper... "I know you're Baelfire." It's really brilliant! Because who in the real world could have possibly known who Neal really was given his age since he and Rumple are now both over two hundred years old, other than someone from the Enchanted Forest. It's been said that Rumple has been the Dark One for hundreds of years, so Neal is definitely older than he appears to be. :) However, speaking of coincidences... I really like Neal's explanation to Emma about them, and fate, and how they both wonder if Emma meeting and falling in love with Neal those twelve years ago is somehow fate that wanted to see them together, in order to set in motion Emma becoming the Savior and her and Henry becoming the tools Gold would use to help him find his son after so many years. I really love their talk. I also completely understand Emma's anger towards Neal, as well as her fear for wanting Henry to know the truth about Neal too. It's wrong for sure that she would lie to Henry about his father, but it's understandable because of what Neal had done to her when he let her take the fall for the theft of the watches, putting her in prison, and forcing her to give birth to Henry while in prison. It's so sad. And I certainly do not blame her in the slightest, especially upon learning more about her own past and why she is so guarded and distrusting. Next... Rumple and Baelfire are finally reunited, which means there are more big revelations to come. And what a reunion! I can also understand Neal's anger towards his father too. Rumple promised his son he would never abandon him, and yet when his own fear of becoming powerless once again overpowered him, he abandoned him after all. And then... One of the first things Gold tells to Neal after being reunited with him again, is that together they can have power and that he can erase Neal's bad memories by turning Neal back into the same fourteen boy he was before he abandoned his son. Once again, Gold shows that he still doesn't understand why his son wanted to get away from magic and his lust for power that Neal knows his father loves more than even him. I can't blame Neal for refusing to want to be a part of his life. Gold has not learned his lesson, and therefore he hasn't changed. Not in the ways Neal needs him to change. Magic is still just a crutch for him. Also... I really, really love the backstory with Rumple before he was the Dark One, and the Seer. And this is actually my favorite storyline throughout this episode. I think the Seer is a brilliant character and very eerie, especially with her eerie voice and her eyes being within the palms of her hands. I love her character very much! And I love how her first big prophecy... That Rumple's actions on the battlefield would leave his son fatherless, comes to pass because he attempted to save himself from being killed in battle when he cowardly injures himself to the point of becoming the cripple we see him as without his magic, then becomes branded as a coward. Causing Milah to eventually leave him, and him to abandon his son once she comes to meet Killian Jones (Hook), upon Rumple's fear of becoming powerless once again after he had become the Dark One. Wonderful! And then... Years later, after Rumple becomes the Dark One, he finds the Seer again and as Rumple kills her in order to steal her Seer powers so that he could gain her abilities to see into the future, the path of Rumple finding Regina to cast his curse that would eventually lead him to finding Henry, therefore Emma, and finally Neal too... It's all set in motion, including the final revelation being that Henry would one day be Rumplestiltskin's undoing. After which Rumple proclaims that he will kill this boy to save himself. Will Rumple really go so far as to kill his own grandson? Oh... And I also really love the brief scenes between Emma and Mary Margaret, then Mary Margaret with David too. Yes... What a complicated family tree they have, but really cool, nonetheless. What a Thanksgiving dinner they would have! :) And lastly... Hook is betrayed by Cora once again, after he deciphers the map that will lead to his dagger for them. Cora's a real witch who deserves to die. She makes me so mad! I don't like her as this half of the season's major villainess. And foolishly, Regina is still caught up in her mother's web, which I also really don't like either. Don't get me wrong... Lana Parrilla's (Regina) acting is absolutely phenomenal, even now that she is reverting back into the Evil Queen... A character I absolutely love. And while I dislike Cora's character overall... Barbara Hershey plays Cora brilliantly too. I really enjoy these scenes between Hook, Regina, and Cora too. Of course, Hook isn't finished yet. And is he ever that much more angry, and determined to get his revenge. Overall... This episode isn't one of my favorites from this season, but it is really, really good. And it certainly does have some fabulous twists! I am so happy to have gotten another great reaction for Once Upon a Time from you, Travis. I can't wait for your reaction for the next episodes to come!! So, until next time, my friend... Thank you, Travis! Sincerely, Heidi

Bella Love

This is one of my favourites too! 😊


Jaws dropped to the floor!! Omggg

Missy Johnson

I agree Lana and Barbara look so much alike even there mannerisms are spot on. For me OUAT only gets better from here. Can't wait for the next episode

Angelina Sargent

Haha omg you're revelation when Neal acknowledges rumplestilskin... fucking gold. (Pun Intended) I was waiting for this episode. I'm finishing up the final season for the first time currently. I had stopped while it was airing back in the day because alot of this series felt a little repetitive for me but still worth the watch for the most part. Emma and Neal's chemistry is so amazing and real feeling. I think you'll enjoy it for the most part although I don't think you will end up sticking around for the long haul... I hope you do!

Ilsuk Yang

Baelfire/Neal, you are the father!!!! 🤣🤣🤣Yeah, this could've been a Jerry Springer episode called The Tangled Web of Henry's Family or something like that 🤣🤣🤣! So let's take a closer look at this tangled web. His parents are Emma and Neal/Baelfire. His maternal grandparents are Mary Margaret/Snow White and David Nolan/Prince Charming. His paternal grandparents are Rumpie and Mila (not Kunis). His adopted mother is Regina, who is also his step-great-grandmother via marriage to Snow's father, which makes Cora his step-great-great-grandmother (oy that's a mouthful). Now you know how connected these characters really are. I just imagined myself saying all of this out loud and it's a lot 🤣🤣🤣

Olivia Grace Miller

i have been waiting for you to react tom this episode for awhile and now im so happy your reaction to Neal being Bealfire was the best now im just going wait patently for season 3 which is the best one in my opinion

Nessie- Je lis, et alors

This show is so great ! That's probably one of my favorite episodes too ;) from now on I think the show only gets better and better so imagine... ;) On board for season 3 :D


I was waiting for this reaction! so excited <3

Staton Chapman

The way rumples wife treated him was way too harsh. I didn't like her at all honestly

Janel Davis

Your reaction to this was SO good!! Your blank stares into the camera killed me! 😂 Thanks for sharing with us ❤