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Ilsuk Yang

Darren is terrifying in this! That creepy ass smile he gave that child gave me the heebie jeebies! He definitely has either borderline or narcissistic personality order. Little to no empathy, treats others like his playthings. Literally the only reason I'm watching this, in addition to watching Travis, is Darren!

Nicole Sadler

Yeah I remember when I saw this for the first time! I was so shocked by his acting, he did an incredible job! When I looked at Darren, I couldn't see Darren... it was like a whole other person! So wild!

Ilsuk Yang

Seriously, acting his ass off, then he puts it back on again to continue acting his ass off 🤣


I will never get over that easy lover scene, or now Travis' reaction to it 😲 😝 Also, the conflicting feelings about Darren's hotness and his character's uber creepy deplorability is very relatable 💯