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Thanks Mari!


Krisa Barker

I never really like the Whitmore story line. I'm glad Stefan was able to get help from Caroline and Katherine for his PTSD. I always felt bad for Stefan. Him suffering and dying over and over again must of sucked so bad! 🥺I have experience with PTSD myself so I know how Stefan feels! 😔😭


On my first watch I thought this story line came out of nowhere and made no sense. Suddenly in season 5 we're learning that Damon spent 5 years locked up as a test subject for some creepy doctors? But apparently there was some attention to continuity details (I wouldn't ever have noticed these but saw someone else post somewhere about it and just looked it up again 🤓): The opening scene in this episode is from June 11, 1953 and shows Damon killing his nephew Joseph in failed self defense before getting taken by Dr. Whitmore. Way back in 1x05 Elena saw a news report that aired on June 12, 1953 about Joseph Salvatore getting killed in an animal attack at the Salvatore boarding house. Also, in 4x17 we found out that in NYC in 1977 Damon had his emotions off and Lexi spent some time trying to convince him to turn them back on. She asked him what traumatic event was too much for him to handle, and he joked, "Leave It To Beaver. The fifties bored me." So we learned that he'd had his emotions off since the 1950s. And here they give us the answer to her question about why he'd turned them off. Knowing these little details line up somehow makes the current story line a tad more acceptable to me, but it's definitely not the greatest. Enzo is the best part! 😝