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Fun fact, Bob (Bellamy) had the hardest time saying "Unity day" seeing he's Australian and it's difficult to say in an american accent. :P (Ok, now I'm gonna go watch the episode!)

Suzanne Hunt

Finn was so wrong! He just made it worse! I don't blame Clarke for not trusting Finn! He wasn't honest with her about Raven before they slept together! Clarke and Bellamy are co-leaders. He has every right to know what is going on! I obviously like Bellamy more than Finn!

Jenna Young

I like this episode too because it reminds me of how Bob and Eliza as Australians trying to say Unity Day in their American accents which was so hilarious because both of them kept on messing up and laughing but they finally got there. Ah, the traveler's blessing, one of my many favourite quotes in this show. Yeah, it was super sad that the last thing we get from Kane and his mom was him being rude to her before she dies from that shrapnel. it always makes me tear up every time. I like Lincoln and Octavia's relationship, the only thing that's kinda iffy to me is the fact that Octavia is like 17 and Lincoln is the same age as Bellamy or a little older so it's understandable why Bellamy would be angry and protective despite Lincoln being a grounder but also because of the age gap between the two. My Bellarke heart flutters every time I see Bellamy and Clarke smiling and looking at each other the way they were and then Clarke comes to Bellamy for backup with the guns to show she really trusts him with this task despite how it's gonna go down later. I swear to god, there was no fucking need for Finn to hold Clarke's hand like be gone you bastard like seriously, there's no need for that right now and you doing that makes Clarke look bad in Raven's eyes when it's not her fault it's fucking his so stop with the bullshit. I love Anya's like you started this way but no, they didn't start it. The grounders started it by throwing a spear into a young unarmed teenager's chest after he crossed a boundary that he probably had no idea was there so automatically there suppose to know even though they just got there and had no idea there was anyone on Earth or the fact that it was even habitable. Yes, the flares burned down a whole village but they didn't know that was going to happen or where it was to land afterward so not exactly an act of war. Now I can't say much about the taking of Lincoln and torturing him because they were in the wrong in that situation, that shouldn't have happened at all and i fully agree with that. I know that both groups brought being back up in case something went wrong, which it did and Jasper did fuck up but he saw someone with a spear in the trees, aiming it at Clarke which brought back his trauma of being speared himself so of course he would react the way he did. he genuinely thought he was saving everyone but obviously that wasn't the case at all. I'm sorry but I will always love the "I'm so done with you." looks that Bellamy and Clarke give to Finn. Makes me laugh every time. honestly.


They also had snipers in the trees, just like our group. There was no indication that they were gonna actually going to fire the arrows. Jasper just ran down and started spraying them with a rifle, probably still a bit drunk. He didn't save anyone, he made it happen.

Nikita Hankinson

I'm really enjoying this show but I hate how dark some of the scenes are. Not great for those of us with terrible eyesight 😂