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Leticia Schmitt

I signed to your patreon this week and you do not disappoint! Best "reacter" (Idk if reacter is a word lol) ever. Love from Brasil <3

Siobhan Linehan

I'm SO glad that you said you weren't keen on Kurt's performance because I totally agree! After Rachel he just seemed to lack oomph and power. Lea's voice just keeps getting better and better, her two songs in this episode blow me away and she still has better performances to come. She undoubtedly has the best voice on the show for me. 👌 And I also loved how Rachel was helping out Kurt and Finn in this episode, she can be a diva and can get lost in her ego sometimes, but she truly is a good friend and always does the right thing in the end. She's one of the most misunderstood charcters out there imo and I am glad that you like her more now than you used to, I know she isn't your favourite and that's ok, I just didn't want you to hate her lol. 😂 As for what happens with the New Directions now, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. I understand why you've felt a bit iffy about this episode and the previous one, but trust me this season really picks up soon. The next episode isn't great ngl, but from episode 11 onwards there are several FANTASTIC episodes. And I can think of a few storylines that you're going to enjoy. Maybe someone else could boost a few episodes soon because I think watching some back to back could help, I feel that this season is better when it's binge watched tbh. 😊 And I really like the romances in this episode. I'm glad that Rachel and Brody got together, after so much teasing it did feel a bit anticlimactic to just have them kiss randomly like that, but I'm happy about it. And I liked Brittany and Sam together, their relationship is controversial, Brittana fans especially hated it. But personally as a bisexual woman like Brittany, seeing her go from dating a girl to dating a guy was something I'd never seen on TV before and it meant a lot to me. It made me feel a connection to a character that I'd never felt before, I saw myself in her. 99% of bi TV characters will get with someone of the same sex and that's it, but Brittany dating and flirting with and falling in love with both girls and guys throughout the show means more to me than can ever be explained. I hope that makes sense. 💕

Angelina Sargent

My biggest complaint for this season has gotta be Sam... I feel like they pulled a joey tribianni with Sam and really dumbed him down to make him the character he is now. It just really came out of left field for me. It super reminds me of friends and how they handled joey in the first season. JOEY was super chill and funny but they made him an actual idiot after season one which he wasn't the first few episodes of the series. And Sam was not an idiot by any means in the beginning. Yeah he was goofy and did impressions but he was still a smart guy for the most part. I don't like that they dumbed him down to make him connect and understand Brittany.


All valid feelings I'd say! Season 4 definitely has some rough patches, for me anyway, but there are still good episodes and things to come for sure. They really bounce around a lot with how they structure the episodes which can feel pretty chaotic. Santana calling out Kitty is pretty much the extent of the repercussions she gets for all that with Marley - meanwhile Tina & Artie blame Marley for losing the competition. That's all not so great in my opinion. I liked Kurt's performance but agree it was a little underwhelming in comparison to Rachel's. That O Holy Night is b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l ❄️ Girl can sang

Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, they do that a lot on sitcoms, dumb down a character because they think everyone loves it that way. Honestly, I felt like they dumbed all the friends down on Friends, especially in the second half of that show (don't get me wrong, though, I love Friends!)! They did the same thing on Boy Meets World with Eric Matthews, too. Do I wish sitcoms would stop doing that? Sure. I still find it funny, just not as funny as it could be if they hadn't done that

Angelina Sargent

Yes!!! Eric Matthew's is another great example! He was way smarter when the series first started.

Ilsuk Yang

I honestly don't like any of the storylines for season 4. On the other hand, I love the performances! The 2 songs Rachel did for the showcase are my 2 favorite performances on the show ever! Yeah, Kurt performing after Rachel was a bad decision by the showrunners and writers. They should've switched it around and have Kurt perform first, that way his performance can make more of a mark. Yeah, I wasn't feeling Finn and Marley's performance of that song at the end. It felt very stilted and disjointed, especially Finn. Season 4-6 are a very mixed bag from me, but hey, that's Glee for ya!

Charissa Kay

Yeah I can't ever bring myself to rewatch all s4-6. Can't get through the s5 ep. Mostly because it's too sad personally and I don't vibe with the storylines.

Heather Anne

I tend to just watch the performances in this season. The stories are a mess. As for Kurt and NYADA, the context you need is a massive fan and media backlash when Kurt didn't get in. They tried the Vogue thing, but the backlash really didn't stop over that. Eventually they kinda just gave in and did this to make the screaming stop. It did make that particular screaming stop, so they accomplished that. Shrug.

Liv Heskett

I agree I LOVE Being Alive as a song but it just didn’t have that “thing” that made it stand out in this episode. Kurt has definitely had more emotionally interesting songs. I think his voice didn’t have that agony that the original requires and especially coming after Rachel it felt a lil lackluster. I’m sure if it had been in a different episode I’d like it better. But to me I’d rather listen to the Broadway version. His later performance of a Lea Mis song (I won’t spoil) would have been an amazing option for this event. THAT one gets me emotional. Also unpopular opinion, I LOVE Sam and Britt. They are adorable and I wish they had fleshed them out more but we all know why they didn’t 😂

Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, I'm only watching with Travis because his reactions are pure gold 🤣🤣🤣

Jeanette Dawe

so glad finally someone agrees with me that Sam and Brittany are cute lol Every other reactor despises them lol Mostly because they just want Britt with Santana lol

Clay W

I agree about Kurt's song choice. It wasn't a song I cared for.


Finn’s arc is honestly the only storyline I like from season 4 (I can get tru some of the others but it’s not the same) is just so compelling and so fitting for the character that it even makes him imprescindible for the season, when he is not in an episode you really feel it not being as good as when he is, and as for Sam and Brittney I’ve never liked them and is not even because Brittana, I just see their chemistry as brother and sister-like…🤷🏾‍♂️


I think it’s just because there are already a lot of hetero couples in the show and seemed like they did it just to have the two blondes together(also seems like Britt did it to just stop thinking about Santana when you think about it) and honestly it kind of just came out of nowhere specially Sam’s feelings for her they barely talked like 2 times this season and before this one they never interacted🤷🏾‍♂️

Capri Zonica

This one was so boring and the next one too. At this point I no longer listen to whatever they sing on the New York side and skip forward. They're always super boring with the same scenarios just them singing obscure showtunes, before a standing microphone, no choreography auditioning for something. Oh, and what about Bram? I feel discriminated by Glee and its speech about all the lesbians wanting to hurt Sam. They are assuming Brittana fans are only lesbians but I'm straight,and I'm pretty sure a lot of male gays like them so include me there in the hate club against Sam and Bram!

Guillermo Orozco

Best rendition of O Holy Night by far!

madeline z

to be fair the whole recorded version of Being Alive is MUCH better than what they cut down for the show version. there is way more build-up and emotion that i wish they didn't cut out that shows off kurt's abilities better. it's actually one of my favourite solos from him because i love the combination of the emotion you can hear in his voice and the deeper tone he uses for this song