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Thanks Panic!


Ilsuk Yang

So, Yut-nori is a real game, but they weren't using the real rules for the game. "Ken" was just making stuff up as they were playing 🤣🤣🤣. Don't ask me what the rules to the game are, because I play this game exactly one time per year on lunar/Chinese New Year. As I play, I begin to remember how the game is played, then gradually forget throughout the rest of the year 🤣🤣🤣. All I can say, is that those 4 sticks are dice where one side is flat, and the other side is rounded. From what I can remember, the game is kind of like a race where you have to get your 4 pieces around the board with the dice determining how many spaces you can go forward. There are a lot of rules and special circumstances that I don't understand, though