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Thanks Ilsuk!




Ilsuk Yang

Jim, you and I had the same thought, so it looks like we're gonna get Thor Ragnarok this month, too :) Travis, your reaction to the reveal that the Vulture being Liz's dad was 'chef's kiss!' That reveal definitely surprised me the first time around, too. Your infectious laugh in response to Ned 'looking at porn' killed me! So, Tom Holland was around 19 years old when he first played Spider-Man in Captain America Civil War. He'd be about 20/21, in this movie. I thought Michael Keaton completely knocked his role of the Vulture out of the park! That speech he gave to Peter in the car, chills every time! He was a really good Batman, but he makes an even better villain (to those of you who say he's not a villain here, stop it, lol). Can't wait to see you react to Thor Ragnarok this month, as well (did someone else request Black Panther this month?). Well, if someone did request Black Panther, I think I might have to change my plans next month and ask for Avengers Infinity War ;)

Ilsuk Yang

Oh yeah, just wanted to mention that the '8 years later' heading at the beginning of the movie is incorrect. It was supposed to say 4 years later, lol

Siobhan Linehan

I do enjoy this movie. I definitely agree about the lighting, this is a complaint I have about a lot of movies these days tbh. If editors would turn up the lighting it would make such a difference. Unfortunately this is an issue going forward with the MCU movies and shows I find. But they're good enough for me to overlook that. Tom really is a great Spiderman, my favourite for sure. And Zendaya is great as MJ going forward but I do know what you mean about her in this movie, she's kind of pointless. But it's worth her being there for her funny little quips lol. And the story in this one is brilliant for an introduction to the character. But I definitely prefer Spiderman: Far From Home, so I look forward to watching that one with you at some point. 😊

Siobhan Linehan

Well I'm already paying $500 a month for Doctor Who and that's really my limit. But I'm sure someone will request it. 🙂

Siobhan Linehan

You're welcome. It's my favourite show so I'm loving sharing it with Travis and with the other Patreon members. 😊


I completely agree about Zendaya in this movie, she's funny but pointless and a lot of her scenes don't even make any sense, like why was she there in detention? Like what was the point of that? It just feels like she's obsessed with him or something and when did they become friends? She's done nothing to show that and he or Ned has shown that, the last scene we saw her in she flipped Peter off. But I do like the reveal of her being MJ at the end and I won't give any more away when it comes to her.


So, a great fun fact Chris Evans actually filmed several different PSA videos and they are absolutely hilarious, I highly suggest checking them out on your own time, they are on Youtube. And once you see them his line "how many more of these" will be even funnier and make more sense. His cameos are my favorite part! It's always fun when Chris pops up randomly in a marvel movie, like he did in Thor 2. Best part of that movie.