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WASNT expecting a double drop , guess i'll see you in another 45 mins

Emma Mellin

2eps??? oh im excited!!! thank you 😍

Melanin Ky

TWO episodes??? How did I get so lucky finding you 🥰😭

Portia Crain

I freaking love Georgie... George and Bailey are my favorites with Callie and lexie right after..

Sarika H

your eyes by the end were just a smiling 😊

Angelina Sargent

Bailey is also my favorite character... this is truly the first episode that I really disagreed with her decision-making and reasoning. I get what she was trying to do but I caught on super quick what Bailey was doing with Christina during the previous episode and I remember saying to my mom that she herself is discriminating Christina all to make this patient uncomfortable while making sure he gets what he's asking for. I'm all for Bailey sticking it to this man but she did everything she did out of spite while doing it. She absolutely chose to work on this patient over meeting her husband which caused more strife in her life just to "rise above" and prove she wasn't like him. Xtina had every reason to be upset with her. And just like Derek said she has every right to pass off this man to another doctor. It's not her refusing to work on him at that point it's her honoring his bullshit reasoning and if he doesn't want the best resident on his case that's his idiot fucking call. He's a dumbass. Doctors are under enough stress as is, she's smarter than to choose to make it harder for herself which seemed totally out of character for her especially when she's stressed over her marriage. It didn't add up to me with her bad assery or everyday logic she possessed... but then there's the fact that she was being discriminated against and it was traumatic for her and webber to be going that situation when the world should be so much further ahead. I will say that George sticking it to the dude was my favorite moment in the whole series.

Charissa Kay

Yeah I agree that true Bailey would not have bothered with that for a second and "delegated" as she says. Is this season during the first writers strike? It seems they're reaching and trying to make a whole "good overcomes evil (fascism)" narrative which isn't accurate. But it's still well layered as usual and more on point by representing antisemitic White nationalism when they could have simply gone with the "aggressive overt racist" trope. They shouldn't have made Miranda rise, they should have had George work on him the whole time with someone and be the voice of reason calling out his own instead of implying minorities must "rise above".

Angelina Sargent

Yes! That was so well said. Minorities should not have to rise above when they are being discriminated against. I like your idea better with the storyline being george having to deal with this fucker in sub of Bailey the whole episode instead of George being a messenger for miranda and her husband, that situation irritated me too. Miranda is way smarter character-wise to have made the decisions she did here.


I think Bailey also has a right like all the other characters to not always make great choices. she should be allowed to have flaws too. plus this situation is very difficult and she didn’t have a lot if time to properly think about it. she wanted to prove a point she didn’t have to make bc this man didn’t deserve it.

Edgerrin Brown

I felt really bad for Miranda and Cristina in this episode. Brian Kinney over there was a racist POS.


Yeah screw the white supremacist. I think they did a similar storyline on "ER", but in that case it was a former white supremacist who was ashamed of his tattoo. (btw I seriously recommend you check out "ER" if you haven't already, IMHO it is beyond a doubt the best medical show of all time). Bailey was wrong to bring Cristina into the case, but she was also very wrong to make George run back and forth with messages and trying to mediate. She had no right to put him in that position. He is at work, there to learn about the medicine, and it is very inappropriate for her to put him in the middle of her marital conflicts. As a "Kingdom Hearts" fan I seriously fangirled hard when Larxene showed up! Like, squealed and cheered and everything. I was more excited for that than for Seth Greene, though I really enjoyed seeing him too. I honestly don't know what the heck the writers were thinking giving that monologue to Meredith when she's talking to Webber about informing the paramedic's wife. What the heck difference does it make if one woman thinks negatively of Meredith (a woman she doesn't even know to boot)? A man is suspended upside-down, dying, and his wife is devastated. I think Meredith is the last thing on her mind, and truthfully I find Meredith's whole speech about her role in this woman's life to be distasteful. It makes her sound very narcissistic. I don't get why the writers of the show would think that was a good idea. Characters need to have flaws, but is that a flaw you want to give your main character? I am not a huge fan of Meredith and one of the reasons is that she suffers from main character syndrome.

Cassandra Ryan

i'm not typically a fan of george but what he said to the nazi was fantastic. also, i LOVE bailey, but using a jewish (asian) woman to stick it to a nazi was not the move. she should've asked permission first

Kayce Daniels

Yay cute ending!!! Love be some baby Grey!!