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oh shit travis you tell em! fuck that guy


Ahhhh, I was waiting for this one! I knew it would have your emotions all over the place.. Seriously FUCK that guy!!! I also think its important to say that while I love bailey, she erred in making Cristina operate with her. She can rise above all she wants, but to make Cristina do it - seemingly without knowing Cristina herself was Jewish, was wrong. Its still FUCK that guy tho


Oh shit, was trying to remember which episode this was and then as soon as I saw the ambulance turning the corner, it all came back to me. 💔


Honestly, Nazi or not - who the hell thinks it's a good idea to get a swastika the size of a watermelon tattooed on their stomach? And what tattoo artist would actually do that? How DUMB do you have to be? And about what you said about wearing it out and proud for the whole world to see. I'd like the young gentleman to wear that out and about in Germany and get arrested for it - now THAT would be fun XD

Nikki S

Fuck Nazis, man!!!! RIP Stan !!!

Lina Distadio

I'm a black jew so obviously it's not like I condone or like tattoos like this but hear me out and don't get defensive on me. I have a blunt delivery but I mean everything I'm saying with the utmost respect. As I said, I am a black Jewish woman. One of my exes has a tattoo like that. From the old days, from a lifetime ago. But that's such a weird question to me: who does that? people who are looking desperately to belong and for someone to blame for their pain. And what tattoo artist would actually do it? Many. Ones who hold the same beliefs or maybe like with most tattoos of this kind, it wasn't done by a professional or at a shop. The answers to these questions are obvious and your beliefs and assumptions about those who might have done something like this in their past is just kind of strange to me. Honestly, the fact that people have such ridiculous questions as if you genuinely don't know the answers...I mean I can't decide if having questions like that is painfully naive and ignorant or if you just are asking questions to ask them.

Lacy Hause

I'm so glad I first saw him as Brian Kinney in QAF before this episode because I don't know if I would have been able to watch him after this. Although I whole-heartedly agree with you about Nazis, I do think Gale Harold did an excellent acting job in this episode.