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So on my YouTube videos I have the shoutout at the end for patrons that are all access all 3 and above.

I was wondering if anyone wanted to create the graphic for this month?!

I would send you the names to include and I attached the previous month's for reference.

Take liberty as long as it matches the vibe of the channel and is legible!

I would love to have it done in a couple days or I could do it myself!

Be sure to leave a spot somewhere that says *graphic created by (your name) if you would like!

Message me if this interests you!



Dustee Lodholtz

I don't know why it took me so long to notice my name on there but I just paused it at the end of the newest video and it made me very very happy to see it on there ❤️ but I'll try my hand at something I'm not the most creative but I do like to have fun trying to create stuff if that makes sense lol

Iyana Taylor

I'd like to give it a go