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Here is your monthly search bar reminder even though I mention it in the welcome email and pinned post at the top of the page :)

I have started every show from the beginning other than Black Mirror so they are here somewhere !

I did not start the tagged posts until later on so every episode isn’t included - if someone wants to donate their time in doing so…. Let me know ! I would rather continue spending the time creating content :)

I appreciate your support 💜💜💜

*search bar is not on the mobile app but it is on the mobile browser. You may have to swipe over to see it in the area that’s highlighted above. 




even just the hints of your desktop icons is stressful to me - absolutely respect the hustle and hard work!

Letitia Hunt

I’m on the app and there is a search bar :) helps me find the episodes super easy

Angelina Sargent

Okay seriously my app does not look like your screen. What am I missing?!

Helen Moore

search bar is an option on android mobile app