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Possibly unpopular opinion: I can't stand Adele Webber. Also, Derek is so annoyingly contradictory.


Derek is so arrogant and over steps so much. I really dislike him. Even his 'charm'can't make me forget his nasty attitude


nothing better on a bad week than greys binge :D


i liked derek at the beginning but as the show progressed he became insufferable 😩

Edgerrin Brown

I feel so bad for Callie & Lexie. Callie didn’t deserve any of the treatment she got and Lexie just wants meredith to like her

emily ღ

i've noticed he has a severe problem with talking down to meredith. i get it from a dr to intern perspective though you should still have common respect, but with him it carries over into his relationship and how he speaks to her in terms of their partnership and it bugs me so badly!!

emily ღ

she annoys me so much!!! she acts like a two year old!! i have never seen a grown adult behave the way she's portrayed as behaving. it's bizarre

emily ღ

i adore lexie but i can empathize with meredith. her dad left her and her mom, left her alone to care for her mom with no emotional support. all to start a new family. it may not be fair to lexie but lexie got everything from thatcher that meredith should have gotten and now wants to pick up and be long lost sisters. i actually really understand merediths anger, even if baby grey is one of my favorites. it's just got suck all around for both of them though


definitely i 100% agree i think that’s why he irritates me soo much! theres definitely times when i enjoy him but mostly i just find myself annoyed😭

Johanna T.

Derek talking down to Meredith and trying to manipulate her is getting old. Either you accept were shes at and her limitations because of trauma or you don't. Him threatening to get with another woman if she doesnt move her boundaries is such a douchebag thing to do.

Sarika H

I don’t like the Callie/George/Izzie story line but I mostly like the characters and there will always be a story line to complain about or it would be boring

emily ღ

it's like he's the worst of two things all at the same time .....in the medical field a chauvanistic doctor who looks down on her for not being up to his level in the workplace and in the relationship, a chauvanistic boyfriend who looks down on her for not being up his level there as well. watching this back all these years later i'm just watching meredith like "oh honey......" ediing to add maybe chauvanist isn't the right word but idk what else to call him when he's often looking down on her as if she's less than and should be grateful to him he gives her the time of day

Melanin Ky

That READ from Callie was everythingggg!!


am I the only one who actually likes Derek? I mean, don't get me wrong he can be pretty arrogant, but this episode he did nothing really wrong or mean. Yes, he was too harsh to Christina about Lexie, but he is also right that it's a teaching hospital and it is Christina's job to teach Lexie whether she likes her personally or not. He should have listened to what Christina had to say too but asking her to teach Lexie wasn't wrong imho. As for Meredith: Meredith asked him to truly say what he wants and then he did - after he repeatedly asked her if she truly wanted to know. He basically said: I am all in, but I get that you're not there yet and I'll wait. But he doesn't know what the future holds and if he can wait forever. Which is fair I think. I know Meredith has a lot of shit to deal with and I totally get why she can't be all in at this point, but Derek is and he loves her a lot, so ofc it's hard for him to just break up with her and call it a day when as he said he pictures a lifetime with her. So he agrees to her terms for now and waits till she is ready. What's so wrong about that?

Travis Manning

Im still shook at traitorous bitch btw 😂😂💀

Charissa Kay

The thing thing that I don't get is how Meredith "isn't ready" and "keeps abandoning him". I have rewatched about 10x now and I still don't SEE any evidence of Meredith "not being all in" or "leaving" Derek. It's only been hin telling her (and the audience) that she is. He's the one who initially betrayed her in the worst way by withholding about his relationship status and should be building back that completely lost trust. He is the one who's broken up with her and given her ultimatums at least 3 or more times. She already said she was "done" when she met and fell in love with him. How is that being "not ready"??? Because she dated someone else that time he betrayed and ended it with her, suffers from deep seated complex trauma from her upbringing and probably major depression, and doesn't fawn all over or go crying to him to "save her" every minute??? He's so weird and reminds me of my ex who would break up with me and disappear, then show back up randomly after I've tried to move on and accuse me of cheating with a straight face. Derek seems very ego driven in their relationship, and often gaslights the hell out of her. I attribute the lack of clearly showing her "abandoning" him to either writer faux paus, or them trying to show Derek is being unreasonable, but I doubt it's the latter since we are supposed to be rooting for them. Someone, anyone, please tell me how she isn't ready and abandoned him (and being tired of pain and life and not fighting for it while drowning is not about him)? He only pressured and gave an ultimatum, that's not love, especially saying you'll easily go to someone else to get marriage. If you want a life with Meredith, then you'll wait for Meredith, saying you'll take anyone just says you really don't gaf about her. And Meredith says "yeah I'm not ready right now" in the same way someone would if someone was gaslighting them, and basically says she IS all in, just not to plan a wedding at the moment. Urgggh! Lol


No cause this has always been my problem with them too!! He's constantly belittling her telling her she's not ready and 98% of the time she's done nothing to provoke that at all. He claims to know who she is but love her anyway yet he's always going off at her for not being what he wants like ????? you knew what you were in for and you chose time and time again to keep pursuing her and yet STILL he complains. I love McDreamy but his communication skills are severely lacking (the man simply does not listen)

Charissa Kay

And he simply does not genuinely care about Meredith, moreso the idea of them being together and what she does for him. And I don't mean that in a vilifying way, some people are just like that. I think he's a great character and I think they could both use some more therapy to heal from trauma and improve their communication and behavior. I'm just still confused as to why they thought the viewers would agree with Derek when they never actually showed us anything but Meredith's trauma behavior as proof she's unreliable in a relationship when they've actually only shown that he is. And don't even get me started on the next storyline coming up lmao.


He was straight up wrong for HOW he told Cristina. If she has to uphold professional standards, so does he. He should have pulled Cristina aside after Lexie left, told her its a teaching hospital and kept it pushing. Instead, he undermines Cristina multiple times in the episode. He may be an attending, but lexie is Cristina's intern, its a disservice to Cristina for him to be contradicting her so arrogantly. No one tells Derek how he should lead, he should have the courtesy to do the same. He thinks hes above it all.


Yes, I absolutely agree. I think he overstepped here and could've told Christina that in private instead of in front of people. And yeah he is pretty arrogant, I agree. But Christina also has to learn to teach her interns. It really doesn't matter if she likes Lexie or not, she is her teacher. So I think both Christina and Derek didn't handle this situation great.

Azul Vega

Yes, i think that he’s overheated. I agree with some opinions, but all the characters had bad attitudes and still love them. Derek is wrong like any other character, he has too many positive things to be so hated. If we think of male characters for example, we have Alex or Mark, I love them too, but I don't think they have fewer mistakes than Derek or that they are better people in general.


Adele is wrong in this episode. Working in medical professions is not about saving lives. It's about prolonging meaningful life. What that is depends on the patient and the situation. If you're a healthy 30 year-old with appendecitis then it means do everything you can. If you are a patient with a terminal disease it is up to you to decide when you have had enough treatments. The doctors, nurses, etc, need to respect that. Everybody dies in the end, and death is not always equal to defeat. Webber made the right call. I generally really like Izzie, but not at all in this storyline. Didn't she lose the love of her life mere months ago in the show's timeline? The only defense I can conjure up in my head is that the whole George thing is her acting out of grief over Denny, wanting to dull her pain by escaping into a new relationship. But I think on some level she knows it's not working. And while I think Callie was crazy to marry a guy she's only known for a short while right on the heel of his father dying fairly unexpectedly, she doesn't deserve what is happening to her. As for Derek and Meredith, I've never been able to ship them (sorry, but it's true). I don't like the way he treats her, and to be quite honest I don't like her in general. I do think she is justified in her response here though. They've only known each other a little over a year, and he spent a large part of that time married to Addison. No wonder it's too soon for Meredith to think of marriage and kids. That's something you can't force. It needs to happen on its own time, however long that takes. And if Derek isn't willing to wait for her then how can he claim he loves her so much? It's not like they've been dating for years and she's still dragging her feet...

Alicia Cue

i literally skipped the scene in front of the elevator this episode because i cannot stand the sound of his voice when he’s just talking a bunch of mess, which is often so i find myself skipping quite a bit 😂

Lina Distadio (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-09 06:34:36 Derek is actually awful and I blame Shonda and other popular TV creators for my inability (until recently) to discern what actual good relationships and love looked like. People stay making characters like this the main love interest in basically all films and TV shows, and they're meant to be the people we aspire to be with because we are told so frequently that they're amazing and perfect and the exact right type of person to be with when as an adult I look at these people and I'm like..."you're the actual worst and if I were Meredith I'd have pushed YOU into the sound instead of trying to drown my damn self"
2023-08-09 06:34:36 Derek is actually awful and I blame Shonda and other popular TV creators for my inability (until recently) to discern what actual good relationships and love looked like. People stay making characters like this the main love interest in basically all films and TV shows, and they're meant to be the people we aspire to be with because we are told so frequently that they're amazing and perfect and the exact right type of person to be with when as an adult I look at these people and I'm like..."you're the actual worst and if I were Meredith I'd have pushed YOU into the sound instead of trying to drown my damn self"
2023-08-09 06:34:36 Derek is actually awful and I blame Shonda and other popular TV creators for my inability (until recently) to discern what actual good relationships and love looked like. People stay making characters like this the main love interest in basically all films and TV shows, and they're meant to be the people we aspire to be with because we are told so frequently that they're amazing and perfect and the exact right type of person to be with when as an adult I look at these people and I'm like..."you're the actual worst and if I were Meredith I'd have pushed YOU into the sound instead of trying to drown my damn self"
2023-08-09 06:34:36 Derek is actually awful and I blame Shonda and other popular TV creators for my inability (until recently) to discern what actual good relationships and love looked like. People stay making characters like this the main love interest in basically all films and TV shows, and they're meant to be the people we aspire to be with because we are told so frequently that they're amazing and perfect and the exact right type of person to be with when as an adult I look at these people and I'm like..."you're the actual worst and if I were Meredith I'd have pushed YOU into the sound instead of trying to drown my damn self"
2023-08-09 06:34:36 Derek is actually awful and I blame Shonda and other popular TV creators for my inability (until recently) to discern what actual good relationships and love looked like. People stay making characters like this the main love interest in basically all films and TV shows, and they're meant to be the people we aspire to be with because we are told so frequently that they're amazing and perfect and the exact right type of person to be with when as an adult I look at these people and I'm like..."you're the actual worst and if I were Meredith I'd have pushed YOU into the sound instead of trying to drown my damn self"
2023-08-09 06:34:36 Derek is actually awful and I blame Shonda and other popular TV creators for my inability (until recently) to discern what actual good relationships and love looked like. People stay making characters like this the main love interest in basically all films and TV shows, and they're meant to be the people we aspire to be with because we are told so frequently that they're amazing and perfect and the exact right type of person to be with when as an adult I look at these people and I'm like..."you're the actual worst and if I were Meredith I'd have pushed YOU into the sound instead of trying to drown my damn self"
2023-07-19 08:20:03 Derek is actually awful and I blame Shonda and other popular TV creators for my inability (until recently) to discern what actual good relationships and love looked like. People stay making characters like this the main love interest in basically all films and TV shows, and they're meant to be the people we aspire to be with because we are told so frequently that they're amazing and perfect and the exact right type of person to be with when as an adult I look at these people and I'm like..."you're the actual worst and if I were Meredith I'd have pushed YOU into the sound instead of trying to drown my damn self"

Derek is actually awful and I blame Shonda and other popular TV creators for my inability (until recently) to discern what actual good relationships and love looked like. People stay making characters like this the main love interest in basically all films and TV shows, and they're meant to be the people we aspire to be with because we are told so frequently that they're amazing and perfect and the exact right type of person to be with when as an adult I look at these people and I'm like..."you're the actual worst and if I were Meredith I'd have pushed YOU into the sound instead of trying to drown my damn self"

Lucile Byrd

As long as you continue to record your reactions so we can experience it with you, binge away! Does anyone else remembder when Alex slept with Olivie back when Izzie and Alex weren't even dating, and Izzie marched around the hospital acting like everyonr should hate Alex and Olivia for "cheating on her?"