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Ilsuk Yang

If you think about it, the ood are in a similar situation to Bucky. Their minds have been hijacked to serve other masters just like Bucky's mind was hijacked to serve Hydra. I will say that this show does do a bit too much of the 'oh the TARDIS is gone/dead/out out power' bit.

Revin MacGrath

Its always the hot ones who die. RIP Toby.

Siobhan Linehan

I definitely prefer part 2 to part 1. This was the first time in the show where it really felt like they were in an impossible situation. Like we knew there were more episodes to come so we knew they would find a way to survive, but I couldn't figure it out until the end. It was written well. It's a shame that The Doctor couldn't save the Ood, poor creatures. But he makes up for that in the future, you'll see how. And I like how they're starting to tease the season 2 finale more and more now. With more Torchwood references and with teases about Rose being in a battle. It'll all come together very soon. Exciting. 😊 Also I want to apologize now on behalf of the entire Doctor Who fandom for the shit you're about to witness in the next episode. It's widely considered one of the worst episodes of all time. So good luck. 😂😂


This is a great 2 parter. Special effects budget definitely got spent on this though, maybe the finale too, but. well, you'll see hahaha

Staton Chapman

Aww I hate that the ood had to die even tho they were creepy looking . I also really could tell the captain cared about his crew alot

Tori Hawley

These are possibly my favorite episodes of all. The show has many great episodes and moments. But I truly enjoy these two