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Sat down with my wine just in time. Cheers! 🍷

Edgerrin Brown

This is my favorite show. Including my series rewatch with you , this’ll be my 10th rewatch


Love how much you hated Alex in the beginning and how enraged you were when someone hurt him. Made me laugh out loud.


I always loved this small bit of Mark being a genuine good friend to Callie here. This was surprisingly mature response by Mark and actually a solid advice. If your relationship is falling apart, and it is not even of your doing, don't let that bullshit drag down other aspects of your life.


Your reaction was great. "Fuck around and find out" hilarious I'll be laughing at that for days 🤣🤣🤣


Mama Burke's backhanded compliment always pissed me off. As if Christina can't be a brilliant surgeon without Burke.


Love your Grey’s reactions Travis!!


I think Burke is a lot like his mom and remember he also thought he "made" Christina as if Christina's career where depending on him.

Charissa Kay

You really don't have to try and get on board with Gizzie, we mostly all felt the same way, your aversion is very valid.

Jeanette Dawe

really?? I always loved them together I had wanted it since the beginning of the series they always had amazing chemistry.

Charissa Kay

That's why I said mostly. Some people for sure rooted for them romantically, but the general consensus was initially at least confusion, because they'd only built up the friendship and never hinted at more until randomly starting to have Izzie give longing looks at George once he was married. They'd literally only built up George's love for Meredith, never Izzie. But Katherine Heigl wanted more dramatic storylines so they couldn't go back to her being more of just a heart or comedic balance to the group after Denny so they threw this at us because "best friends". Some of us couldn't get past the confusion with the lack of build up for their romance, so we disliked their continued push of it, especially since we also liked Callie and thought it was a bad way to treat the newer character. It ultimately felt too forced and just having them sleep together and then whisper I love you in secret conversations for a million episodes is not enough imo to prove romantic love. Friendship love, I believe. But it seems like George only slept with Izzie cuz hawt and Izzie slept with George cuz romantic love so they could have at least hinted at George's attraction and Izzie's love much earlier on to make the pay off more believable. Idk if that makes sense, it's complex. For some I understand shipping the characters, but storywise for many it just didn't track.

San Pav

Gosh, I have a 1 year old and this episode just hits way different watching it now as a mom, I couldn't help but see my son in this little baby and it's breaking my heart, how could people ever sink that low? Any job will do, literally anywhere you can get work, if it's a shitty paid job and lots of work, then you have to do it. Taking the easy way out to make quick and a lot of money at once is just not worth it. Not even if you were alone with a child. Not to mention that the grandmother in this scenario is going to get custody, so you have family, but you still choose cooking up some meth???? I have no family where I live, couple 1000 miles are between me and my family, still taking care of my baby, because that's what you do!

Lucile Byrd

Webber is an ass for blaming Callie for the kidnapping. I get he wants to delegate now and all, but he is still the cheif of surgery, and with something so serious he shouldnhave "delegated" to an attending, not a resident!