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Marek Barwinek

Yo, stop making those weird noises, it's... weird! Jk jk love you 🥺

Ilsuk Yang

🤣🤣🤣. I was wondering if someone was going to make this joke

Ilsuk Yang

I completely forgot that Finn said that to Sue (I know, you're shocked that I forgot something about this show 🤣)! Not cool, but then everything Sue said in this episode was also not cool. Onto a happier thought about Finn, that was probably the best he's ever sounded on this show. I also think that Will putting all that responsibility on a 19-year-old adult (technically) is a bit iffy. 'I don't think that's appropriate for high school!' I kind of feel that way about this entire show 🤣🤣🤣 Unique's voice is just pure fire! Marley sounded good singing with Unique, too. I think I prefer her singing with others to her singing solo. Yeah, Kitty sucks! She's like a combination of Santana and season 1 Quinn in terms of personality. Honestly don't remember if she improves in that category or not. I completely forgot that this season had episodes without any New York stuff. My mind is playing tricks on me

Angelina Sargent

Ryder bugs me just because of the actor. Marley and Ryder got married in real life and he turned out being a serious abuser. Luckily Marley got out and married the amazing Chris Wood! Who is truly my dream man. Love him. Haha good for her.

Ilsuk Yang

Ooh, it might be a good idea to delete this comment for Travis' sake


I havent watched this show since it first came out and oh my good lord.... My reaction was exactly yours when watching that bathroom scene with Unqiue and Sue!

Siobhan Linehan

I'm glad you like Ryder straight away, he's one of my favourite characters. As someone above said, the actor isn't a good person at all. I understand that some people can't seperate actor from character which is totally ok but I personally can. Which is why I still love Ryder. He's my third favourite male character after Sam and Blaine. So I hope you'll continue to like him. With the comment Finn made. I have mixed feelings about it. My cousin is autistic and she got badly bullied and that's a word they'd yell at her, so whenever I hear it I hate it. But Sue really was pushing him and she was totally awful and transphobic in this episode. And sometimes when we're pushed we say things we don't mean to say. I know I've said things that I've regretted in heated moments before. And Finn apologized immediately so for me I can deal with that. As for why Mr Schue went away for a while, the actor Matthew Morrison wanted to focus more on his family life and they were pushing the story more towards Finn taking over permanently in season 5, but sadly Cory passed so the storyline was changed. You'll see what happens in season 5. And also I like this new standing up arrangement, it was fun seeing you have a little dance to the songs. 😊

Annie Willow

Finn thinks he is helping Unique but Sue was actually looking at the larger picture. Her approach was absolutely wrong but ultimately she was trying to protect Unique because she failed to protect Santana. Yes, Finn outed her in the hallway, but it was because of Sue’s viscous campaign tactics that ultimately resulted in her being outed to the entire state and being disowned be her abuela and now Sue is trying to prevent anything like that from happening again. Finn still doesn’t not see how viscous the kids in McKinley are to people who are not smart cis straight white guys. Hell, he was/is part of the bullying to begin with and is still throwing slurs. He has no place trying to be a martyr while throwing slurs about an infant at the same time. I love Unique but the McKinley student body is not as accepting the Glee Club bubble is hence the constant slushies, slamming into lockers, verbal abuse, sexual harassment and death threats forcing kids to transfer schools. Would I love to see her as Rizzo? Absolutely, but casting Unique as Rizzo is putting her directly in harms way with the climate the school is currently in.

Nicole Sadler

Omg this show was so wild, but I still love it lol! I may be wrong, but I don't think changing pronouns was in the mainstream compared to now. Glee at this point in the season didn't say Unique identified as trans, I think they were supposed to be a teenage boy that enjoyed wearing 'feminine' clothes/makeup and wigs. Plus it seemed like they responded to 'Wade' and 'Unique' so idk. Someone please let me know below, thanks!! :)

Siobhan Linehan

You're spot on. Unique still often used he/him and used the name "Wade" early on, she was still trying to figure herself out. And you're totally right that different pronouns weren't as common back then. So the other characters not really knowing what to do with Unique and not knowing how to deal with her issues surrounding her gender made sense. Now they did some things wrong for sure, but considering this was written nearly 10 years ago, the writers actually did a pretty good job portraying Unique's journey and the bigotry she faces in a realistic way. 👍

Gemma Rivera

The first episode that focused solely on the McKinley group's storylines. Finn has been lost for a while now, but it's starting to feel like he's finally starting to find the things that inspire him and give him purpose. Football wasn't it, acting wasn't it, the army wasn't it, and working at the tire shop all don't do it for him. I have to give him credit for trying all those things though. Sometimes we don't always know exactly what we want and so we have to try a few things and see what fits and what doesn't. He still has a lot of growing to do though as he is still saying hurtful things without thinking and he is a bit naive with casting the part of Rizzo. As offensive as Sue is with her rants, she did have a point about how the public might react to Unique's casting in the musical. Sue's delivery is like using a sledgehammer to drive in a nail, while you will drive the nail in there is so much damage around it that no one else will focus on anything else. I wish there would have been more discussion with more people before offering Unique the role because there are real safety issues involved as I'd imagine people in small town Ohio would probably not be as accepting and tolerant as larger cities like New York or Chicago. I find it so interesting how each of the newbies we're introduced to are like mashups of the original glee members. Kitty is definitely like the love child of season 1 Quinn and Santana, and as Travis said, Ryder is like a Sam/Finn mashup. Unique herself said she is like the love child of Kurt and Mercedes, Jake is like Puck and Mike Chang, and Marley is like Brittany's innocence mixed with season 1 Tina's shyness and lack of confidence. I really wish that they would have showed how Mike and Tina made it not weird anymore since she agreed to do the musical...they were robbed of scenes again! And I think they cast Grease reasonably well with the characters, but Sugar as Frenchy is the ultimate spot on casting as she not only fits the mannerisms, but is like a doppelganger of Didi Conn, the original Frenchy

leslie martin

About Kitty : First of all I would like to say that this cover/choreo of "everybody talks" is SO GOOD and one of my fav number from glee. Then, I’m sorry but I like her…. Like it’s not that I’m super invested in her storylines or rooting for her, but when it comes to s4, she was the only newbie that didn’t felt that annoying to me. I know people think she’s not really original or anything bc she’s a mix of Quinn, Santana and Brittany, but I love her haha. I love me some blonde cheerio that can dance, and I think she’s super talented and a great add to the cast. As far as her storylines, you’ll see. But for now, she’s the only "exiting part" of s4 newbies for me. Marley is just too sugar coated and I hate that type of main character, not like the other girls character that get chased by all the guys but doesn’t know it… about Jake and Ryder, i dont care about their storylines but I love their voices. And unique…. I feel like her storylines are not that great. Now I’m not saying Kitty’s are, but everything that comes out of her mouth is so ridiculous that I just love it. Some of the stuff she says to Marley I’m a bit on the fence of, like she says bad things about everyone, but some comments are not funny and scary. But some of her lines are ridiculously genius imo, like wtf "I prayed really hard for this", "my third nipple ex boyfriend”, “I hope Obama is gonna loose” like what??? Who says that as an insult like ??? She’s funny in a weird way bc she’s so in another world. I’m sorry but I’ll choose her over every other newbie in this show… anyway, anyone has their own opinion, but the only thing I’ll say is that Santana was just mean for the first episodes of glee, she didn’t even sing yet, and people liked her. Now Kitty is super mean, but she showed us that she’s a talented performer already, and people dislike her. I think most people dislike her bc hey don’t want to accept a new Quinn or a new Santana and feel like she’s replacing them/felt like we’ve seen this before…


I feel like Unique's conversation with Finn at the end, while it didn't use the word transgender, made it very clear how she was feeling. As a trans person myself, I understand why she responds to Wade and Unique. Unique is who she is, Wade is who she was. She was Wade for much longer and it's still her legal name. I have been Gabriel for 4 years now, but I still have to use my deadname for anything that needs a legal signature, and any medical records. I still sometimes will turn and look if I hear someone call my deadname. It's a habit, it's something I was taught to respond to for the first 25 years of my life. It's definitely a long process.

Staton Chapman

I totally forgot Mike and Mercedes were in this episode. Also I dislike kitty way more than I ever did quin and Santana. The remark Finn made to sue definitely was wrong and I don't take that away from the situation. I am glad he realized it so quickly tho


Okay so Blaine in this episode really didn’t make sense to me and still doesn’t… I know he feels guilty for cheating on Kurt but he did cheat which is grounds for a break up and a complete separation… both feelings are valid Kurt’s and Blaine’s… Kurt did not focus so much on his boyfriend even though he did try and make it work long distance… he was just focused on his new job/life( which he totally should be it’s exciting) but where Kurt went wrong is he should have paid attention to what Blaine was doing/saying/not doing a little more to push him away like he was (even if subconsciously)…. Still Blaine was definitely in the wrong with cheating even if it was a one night thing never to happen again it’s still cheating

Alex Sivori

As a trans person I loved seeing your reactions about this. Ohio isn't the best place probably but unique is a woman ❤️

Sebastian Whitaker

Alex's vocal range is INSANE!!! And yeah the show is very bad throughout Alex's run on the show about deadnaming Unique, or using Unique as if it's her middle name or smth