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As many people know because I have mentioned it several times - I do the shows I watch on a rotation for a couple reasons:

1 - it makes the story easier to follow for me and

2 - I truly believe more episodes end up getting uploaded.

Can we PLEASE stop posting comments about how “I’m waiting for this episode…” or “patiently waiting for … “ about a show that is LITERALLY on the NEXT rotation and has been announced as such.

I get that it likely comes from a place of excitement but it kind of reads as impatient, pushy and undermines the amount of work I feel like I do consistently.

I am on track to post 30ish videos in ONE WEEK from various tv shows, movies and music. I do not see any other creators with that kind of output.

Remember that when that show rolls around and it’s 3-4 episodes in a week that is why.

It is my belief that this strategy is better than the once a week strategy.

I do appreciate your support and love doing this as a full time job but please try to remember that I’m also human.




Never have, never will...respect!! 😎


I also love the rotation system! I agree it makes it easier for me to follow since I haven’t even seen some of these shows yet! You are killllling it. Your upload rate is insane. THANK YOU!

Sean Silence

I think it's incredible how much content you put out lol no complaints from me. I didn't really understand how the rotation system worked until now, but it didn't matter much. You do a lot of work.

Tammy Miller

Sorry Travis that some people don’t appreciate how much you do. Your rotation system works quite well. You put out sooo much content that everybody should be grateful. Also there is this thing called respect. Some people should learn it.

Amy Smith

Thanks for explaining, Travis. I’m pretty new here too so I didn’t know this. Now I know and I’m so excited to see what’s coming up! I will wait patiently and enjoy what you’re posting for now! Thanks!! 🥰

Ilsuk Yang

No one else even puts out a third of the content that you're putting out. We appreciate it, man!


You do put out a lot of content, sorry if any of my comments came off pushy. I'm just excited! :)


I would hope most people are just excited and want you to know that. But totally get how that comes across to you. Thanks for everything you do. I haven't seen any other channel with this kind of consistency and quality!!!

Charissa Kay

I have a q about why some are on Vimeo and others not? Genuinely just wondering if it's upload related because it's harder to cast Vimeo to tv and harder to watch it in pic in pic on mobile (which I realize is just my problem). I just can rarely ever use browser on PC where it makes a lot of it easier so just wondering! Thanks!

Travis Manning

Vimeo has been used since day 1 and always will be due to the sheer fact that I post too much content for just one hosting platform.

Charissa Kay

I understand that, I just meant why sometimes a show will be on there sometimes and then not the next time. Is it for the same reason? You alternate with every show or maybe I'm seeing it wrong and it's only certain shows? You don't need to tell me the ins and outs, it's just sometimes I go to watch and have to adjust my set up so lol.


This might be a dumb question but is it okay to say we are excited about the next episode of a show? I don’t want to seem like I am being ungrateful but with shows I have watched its hard to not get excited for certain episodes. It is not at all about wanting the episode quicker but just that I am excited to see you react to it in general. Thank you for all the content. You make my long Saturday’s at work bearable.

Travis Manning

It’s a good thing the videos aren’t temporary then so you can go back and watch with your preferred device when it’s convenient for you. :)

Travis Manning

Yes the issue is more so posting about a show on a post that is irrelevant to that show or on a diff series post.

Pearltheodora Rose

We appreciate you Travis 💯🤞🏾❤️ you really do go above and beyond with your channel , thank you .


not really related but is there any way to see when episodes will be uploaded? or do you post a schedule and ive just been missing it the whole time🤣

Helen Moore

He doesn't have a set schedule but you will have the opportunity to vote for which shows you want to see the next week

Helen Moore

I'd just like to acknowledge and appreciate that you post more and watch more than just about any other reactor I have seen. Your videos are quality and you also manage a great space on the discord. I think a lot of people don't know how much goes on behind the scenes. You are doing an amazing job and we can all remember a little more patience ❤️❤️

Kalyna Nykolyshyn

Honestly, you have introduced me to so many shows that I would decide to watch in between the other shows I love to watch with you. And I just want to thank you for opening me up to more things, I just love your reactions and how you act like we are just buddies watching shows together. Thank you for all you do for us, I think I can speak for many of us when I say your reactions are a bright spot in sometimes quite dark days

Letitia Hunt

I like the rotation system. If it was just a bunch of one show and then a huge gap people would also complain about that. You just can’t please everyone. Are there shows I wish you would watch but you aren’t? Yes. Are there shows I would love for you to binge so I can watch them 24/7? Also yes 😂 Reality is important here. And the reality is you’re doing heaps and you still have a life outside of this as well. Keep doing what you’re doing :)

Bella Love

It’s super cool that you get to do this is a full-time job! 😯🤩 And I totally get this! You do you! (at your own pace). Love the reactions!