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Brittany P

Hurried on here the second I got the notification lol your reactions are the best 😂

Amy Cope

Love that you're loving 3B. You're not even up to the best episodes yet. 16, 17, 18 are just better better best [18 is one of my all time favourites]


Yes, agree with Amy, the best episodes are still coming. Episode 18 is probably one of my favorites. So excited for your reactions to what is coming.

Staton Chapman

You are such a horn dog over these hottest and I love it

Pearltheodora Rose

Oh my god I’m so excited for you to get into episodes 16-24 !!

Sierra Rainey Mangum

You talked over my favorite part. At 7:46 Scott says "I'm the hot girl." And Isaac says "yes you are." Scott blushes so hard.