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Angie H.

these glee reactions bring me so much jooooyyyy 💗 tysm


Bocky!! Lol


Yeah I agree, I haven’t seen this in a while and it was a little sad to watch those parts

Gemma Rivera

Knowing what we know now about Britney does make it hard on the rewatches of this particular episode. The first Britney tribute episode from season 2 was just so iconic that it would have been hard to match it. I love the Drive Me Crazy/Crazy mashup. I do love Jake and Marley singing duets. They're just so good together. I also really liked their version of 3. Super creative and different from the original and I thought Sam, Tina, and Joe sounded so good together. The one number that didn't really do it for me was Rachel's. I get what they were trying to do and I think she looked great, but her vocals don't really fit Britney's pop vibe for me. I felt the same way about her performance from the season 2 tribute. I loved seeing Puck come back and connect with his brother. I was happy to see him get the family connection. He's been wanting it so bad, so it was good to see him get it and to be loyal and supportive of his brother. Both of them did remarkably well for it being the first time they met.

Helen Moore

Rachel surely deserves a 🌟 for that performance. Also I could not stop laughing at your face during her performance

Mghnon Martin

Rachel can't really dance well. It was smoke and mirrors (AKA hairography) while the other students danced around her...

Helen Moore

Ok.. that's why I said performance. I was referring to his shock face for her sexy performance.

Mghnon Martin

Sorry if my comment above was unclear. We're in agreement! In my music theatre days I was never really a "dancer", but I could generally keep up with more trained folks. it's wild to me that Lea has been so successful with so little dance ability. Even Audra McDonald (who I consider to be the best voice in Broadway) is a great dancer. It's comical that they tried to make her a "sexy dancer" in that number.

Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, that performance wasn't sexy at all. Rachel/Lea doesn't do it for me in that way. Her vocals are always on point (except for when she did "The Climb", but she was sick so that's excused)

Ilsuk Yang

OMG! That Britney impression at the end 🤣🤣🤣! I always have to be careful when I watch your reactions because I can never be sure when something like that happens 🤣🤣🤣. I agree that Rachel covered up that Finn heart way too quickly! The things that Cassandra July told Rachel about tough love sound good, but that's not what she's doing to Rachel. She's not saying anything constructive to her, just calling her names and covering up her meanness by calling it "tough love." Real tough love has to be constructive with the goal of building someone up. She's not doing that with Rachel. She keeps calling her Schwimmer and Shrek. Not cool! Anyway, rant over

Jennifer Tocalino

If my boyfriend of a few years doesn’t talk to me for a few months, It wouldn’t be that hard for me to move on. I would interpret that as we’re officially over. Even if your giving them space, at least let them know you’re okay. Especially when you are in the military. Finn is handling this situation wrong. Rachel is hurt and it’s making her move on quickly.


OMG the “Crazy” mashup is one of my all time fav Glee covers. They sound SO GOOD TOGETHER! Anyone know what happened to the guy who plays Jake? Mans could’ve been the next Bruno Mars 😌 Marleys voice really grows on you. She just gets better and better imo! She also blends really well with everyone else, unlike with Rachel you could pick her voice out of a chorus.

Tiffany Tews

Hard agree on Drive Me Crazy/Crazy, it's for sure in my top five glee songs. I can't even really explain WHY it just hits for me lol


This is where Glee past season 3 had some really wonky and dumb episodes. The vibe change for me happened after this episode

Jennifer Sauer

One pet peeve of mine is how it feels like everyone always forgets that Finn BROKE UP with her at the end of season 3. Rachel asks, "Wait a minute, wait a minute - are you breaking up with me?" and Finn responds, "I'm setting you free." And I think he adds something about not dragging an anchor from your past into the future? Anyway, point is Rachel can't cheat on Finn because they are not together anymore and haven't spoken in the months since. And even if she starts something with Brody, doesn't mean she's over Finn. She could be using this relationship to try and get over him and also just to make herself feel better in general. Kurt and Brody are the only people hyping her up right now while she's feeling a little insecure as she adjusts to her new normal. Rant over, lol 😅 just wish people would chill about this storyline

Travis Manning

I’m assuming this is a general observation and not referring to the thoughts and reaction I had to the episode because I don’t think I gave that vibe off at all lol

Siobhan Linehan

Good episode but I agree about the head shave and the umbrella thing and the lip syncing being uncomfortable now. Ryan Murphy, the show runner, has talked about this episode at length. He said that their intention was to show Brittany having a downward spiral and then making a comeback like Britney Spears did, it was supposed to emulate Britney's journey rather than to mock her. But Ryan said they went about showing that journey in the wrong way and he'd definitely do it differently now. As for Rachel, I think she was SO hot in Oops I Did It Again. I see some people here disagree, but I think she's gorgeous and dances well. I love that performance. And your face was hilarious lol. Rachel gets a lot more sexy this season and I love seeing this side of her. And as for the Rachel and Brody thing, I love them together. So much chemistry. And I was glad to see her moving on because Finn treated her badly tbh. Finn drove Rachel to the train station when she thought he was driving her to their wedding, he then broke up with Rachel and he hasn't contacted her in two months. Not one text, nothing. I'm sorry but if someone did that to me I'd be moving on too. 🤷 Things just get more and more crazy now lol. Starting in the next episode is a season long storyline that I think you're going to find quite difficult to handle tbh, it's definitely going to upset you. But hopefully you can look past that because there's still a lot to enjoy. 😊

Staton Chapman

Tina really is adorable and I love her voice

Flo (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-01 20:31:10 I agree that the story of this episode is cringy. Some of the songs are fire though, my favourite ps are Boys/Boyfriend and 3. Also I could watch Heather Morris dance for hours!
2023-03-31 11:49:40 I agree that the story of this episode is cringy. Some of the songs are fire though, my favourites are Boys/Boyfriend and 3. Also I could watch Heather Morris dance for hours!

I agree that the story of this episode is cringy. Some of the songs are fire though, my favourites are Boys/Boyfriend and 3. Also I could watch Heather Morris dance for hours!

Annie Willow

Definitely agree on Rachel trying to do Britney, it’s a no for me especially with what she was trying to prove with this one. Trying to show Cassie that she could be sexy enough to learn the Tango by posing with her hip out and rolling around on tables and blocking dancers who were actually being very sexy does not prove anything. If anything it just confirmed what Cassie said about her. I hope the A/C works well, though, because they are going to need it soon. 🥵🔥

Jennifer Sauer

Oh totally! No I was not trying to do or say anything at you, purely general and for context. I read a lot of other people's comments before typing my own and I guess I felt strongly about it 😅


Yeah that is very true it’s not cheating at all, I mean she is cheating on herself because we know she still has Finn in her thoughts and her heart but yeah..🤷🏾‍♂️