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Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, Quinn sucks! Killing the doctor and his wife because they might talk is actually really stupid. Anyone with half a brain would know why Quinn killed them. I mean, there's only so many reasons why Quinn would kill them. He's a character I love to hate! I hate his face, his voice (a lilting voice on a dude just does not work, especially when that dude is Quinn 🤣🤣🤣), and his cold-heartedness! But, yeah, Sunny and the Widow are complete badasses! When you said "how's he gonna kill all these people?", I knew you were in for a high-octane treat! Sunny does have a nice voice (it's certainly very calming). I wouldn't mind it if his actor, Daniel Wu, would narrate some audiobooks. We don't want Quinn's actor narrating any audiobooks, though 🤣🤣🤣

Staton Chapman

I feel like as long as Ryder hung there no way he should of survived but yes I get its a show lol and omg I freaking hate Quinn soon much