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Ilsuk Yang

OMG! That singing 🤣🤣🤣! I knew Daphne was gonna be on top after she suspected what Simon was doing! I feel for both of them, but Daphne is more in the right than Simon, in my opinion. Penelope has grated on me in the past couple of episodes, but I get that she is young and in love, but her actions towards Marina and Colin weren't cool at all. Having said that, I feel like Marina should've been honest with Colin if she truly believed what she said about him always supporting her. I gotta say, your reactions to all the sex scenes were amazing, Travis 🤣🤣🤣


I can never listen to Wildest Dreams the same way again 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

Jennifer Sauer

I'm torn in the whole debate with Simon and Daphne. Obviously it wasn't okay for Simon to lie to Daphne about how pregnancy works and that he "didn't" want children rather than "couldn't" have children. She, based on societal morals, religious influence, and social dictation would never conceive a child with any other man now that they were contractually obligated to one another. She deserved to know that he was not infertile. That being said, all of their love scenes were consensual (until Daphne took over), in my opinion. She consented to the acts, with the full expectation that there would be no result of pregnancy. Putting aside the whole legality and nuances of what a marriage contract consists of (especially in 1813), I think what Daphne did was worse. Especially by present-day standards. Women can take advantage of men, but it often goes unacknowledged. She could have talked to him, argued with him, etc. But I think what she did to him during the whole "on top" scene is arguably and essentially r*pe. In that moment, she was forcing him to do MORE than he consented too, whereas all of his crimes in the bedroom involve him doing LESS than she consented to. That is the real distinction and why I think Daphne is much more at fault here. They could always have had the opportunity to decide in the future to conceive together. She took away his right to choose in an equal partnership. He did too, but his choice would not have concrete consequences. Her choice was banking on the result of a concrete consequence, by which she hoped it would result in bringing another human into the world and all the responsibilities that entails.

Jennifer Sauer

I agree with everything you said, except I must respectfully disagree with the statement that "Daphne is more in the right than Simon." I go into detail about it in my own separate comment here. But as you say, that is your opinion and I simply have a different one. I do really like how you summarized the Penelope/Marina situation. Very true! I felt the same way :)

Angelina Sargent

It really is rape. You can absolutely rape your spouse. She was purposely proving a point that she figured out he was choosing not to have a child and did that against his will. I just don't think she would ever see it that way considering consent is probably a foreign thing to her even though Simon asked for consent twice before they had sex the first time. To me he didn't lie. He stated his truth that he cannot (even though it's a will not) have children and like he said was prepared to die to make sure she kept her dream of having a family. He definitely took advantage of the situation before when she was explaining her feeling bad about the fact that he cannot produce an heir and whatever. No he didn't clarify but she had all the info she needed up until this choice of hers to impregnate herself. He is an idiot if he thinks the pull out method is full proof though. At the consistency they are having sex she was bound to get pregnant from pre cum honestly.

Staton Chapman

Daphne seems like she is gonna make a good duchess she seems really good with the people

Mark Wood

Sorry I keep writing way to much. Clearly we are only judging on current standards, as the only one who does anything for the time illegal or morally wrong is Simon, when he commits fraud with the marriage contract (even then that would be grounds for nullifying the marriage, though it would be rare for the women to initiate that). So using modern sensibilities, and law (based for me in the US). Simon perpetrates fraud, again using false information and the being part of that lead to a marriage contract. Thats a no, no. Once married every time he has sex with her, he is taking away her consent, by engaging in sexual intercourse, that overtime will very likely get her pregnant when he has stated he cannot. And he knows that statement isn't factually accurate. Now of course, because she wants to get pregnant she wouldn't have problems with it. But he is still taking the informed choice away from her every single time they have sex. When Simon and Daphne first have sexual contact. The initial sexual contact is not consented. He asks Daphne to show him how she touched herself. She says she cannot. He does not ever ask before he physically takes her hand and manipulates it to masturbate herself. Now of course, it appears she very much liked what was happened (save perhaps some brief embarrassment, but that doesn't chance that she never consented). Now let's get to Daphne. She discovers how women get pregnant that his discharge is the seed needed to initiate that. Now she doesn't know if he in fact can get her pregnant. And clearly not talking about it, is a huge mistake on her part (as is all the times Simon has been forthright and honest with her) But is it rape? Simon has consented every single time to sex. He has offered not a single condition on which that consent rests. And he has himself told her he cannot give her children. That night they both seem quite content to have sex. When she mounts him. Simon has no issue with it at all, he even seem more excited by that. Now seconds before he climaxes. He does over two quiet "wait". Now once you give consent, you still absolutely have the right to withdraw it. And while "wait" (especially a quiet one) isn't a strong declaration, it is still a declaration. So at that moment, Daphne is absolutely in the wrong. Now what's interesting is that earlier in the episode when Simon is wanting sex and Daphne has other plans she tells him in a louder voice "later". Again not the strongest declaration, but still a declaration and it takes her verbally convincing him and pushing him gently away before he gets off of her. Now they aren't having sex at the moment, but he is touching multiple exposes body parts that would at least count as sexual assault., technically. In fact it takes longer for him to release her, then it took for him to climax. But when she stated her declaration his response wasn't immediate. She had to still convince him. Now of course, the possibility of conceiving is a massive consequence, that does compound the seriousness of Daphne's actions. But Simon has taken her informed consent away multiple times. Doesn't matter if it would lead to a result she would likely be very happy with, he takes that choice away from her. Consequence side Daphne's is worse. On the issue of taking someone informed consent away, Simon did it many more times then Daphne.