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Pearltheodora Rose

And this THIS episode is where season 3 really starts


I'm with You on the "post-shower McSteamy" thing :D



Sarika H

this was the first episode I didnt really like, not sure why

Tammy Miller

So addicting! I’m loving this show!

Sherry Sink

I remember when i first saw this episode, and that guy knocked Meredith into the water, I was pretty much yelling at the TV for that little girl to SPEAK UP and tell someone!!!! She just stood there, I know she's already in shock and scared, but dude, tell someone else or just point or something!


All I can say is that I knew when Meredith was so close to the water, she was going in. Only because they foreshadowed her going underwater in the tub at the beginning of the episode. I didn't know how, but I knew she was going in.

Mishel Yanik

We took a ferry from Ludington, Michigan over to Wisconsin. It was 4 hours. We put our car on it too! We have a ferry down the street from where we live here in Ohio that takes people across the Ohio river all day everyday, it’s called the Anderson Ferry.

Mishel Yanik

Bailey had been and always will be my favorite on this show. If she ever leaves the show, I’m out.