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Wanted to update you all that I have reached my destination in Portland Oregon ! This trip has had its ups and downs most notably one of my pups having a pretty bad accident and needing medical attention at the emergency vet last night.

I often have to remind myself that things could ALWAYS be worse. Thanks for being patient with me during my trip (hopefully you didn't even notice if there were less posts or not) and thanks for your continued patience as I get acclimated!



Brandy Murphy

Hope your fur baby is alright glad you made it okay Portland huh I'm in ID enjoy the weather :)


Glad you made it! Hope your dog is doing ok-emergency vet visits are never fun.


I'm so sorry your fur baby needed medical attention, hopefully all is well. hope you enjoy Portland, we're almost neighbors, i'm an hour south in Salem!


Take your time Travis! Your health and your dogs’ health are way more important than us getting content! We’ll be here when you come back

Siobhan Linehan

Deleted my comments to avoid conflict, I'm keeping to my word. I don't think my comment was bad but I truly apologize if it came across that way. That wasn't my intention. Any content you get out to us is beyond appreciated, I'm very thankful for all that you do. And I'm wishing your dog well. 💕

Jennifer Hunter

Welcome to the PNW. Glad your move went well and I hope your pup is doing ok.

Pearltheodora Rose

Glad you made it safely!! Hopefully you and your pup is okay , take your time I know unpacking will be a whole other ordeal as well. Congrats on this new journey! We are all patient 💯you post so much Travis we can definitely wait 💯✨✨.


Oh Travis I’m so sorry. When our fur babies get hurt it is terrifying. Congratulations on your move to a beautiful city! Hang in there. A move across country can be overwhelming at first and having a pet emergency away from your usual vet must make it twice so. To ease the stress I have two words for you: Voodoo Donuts!

Sherry Sink

I was just thinking about you and hoping that all was well! So sorry to hear about your pup having an accident. Doing better now, I hope! As someone who has moved more than a few times, I remember how exhausting it can be (oh so much unpacking and deciding where to put things and hauling boxes, ugh)... so take your time, get settled in, and enjoy your new space! 💜 I hope you love your destination and feel like home there.