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Thank You Travis for not letting us wait too long between episodes!

Sherry Sink

*whispers You accidentally tagged this for Glee instead of Grey's. 😘

Sherry Sink

Izzy, just deposit the damn check! If for no other reason, it could be earning interest while it's sitting, while you're deciding what to do with it. And if you can't stomach the idea of taking any of the money, you'll have earned some more to do good with.


I’m not a big fan of Burke but he wasn’t wrong about Izzy


The butthole doctor that harrassed Bailey, wasn't wrong. Bailey should have been keeping a better eye on her interns. But, Bailey takes responsibility for her wrongs, and tries to correct them. That guy seems like he would blame everyone else for his mistakes. So, yah, I call him butthole, 'cause he's "holier than thou", and spews you-know-what.. lol Izzi needs to deposit that check. And she could definitely live quite comfortably for years, if she was frugal, on the interest alone. But I don't mind so much that she doesn't deposit the check - that's her choice, and nobody else's business, but to put it where everyone can see it, is cruel, and now makes it their business.


Watching this again just reminded me how absurd the whole Izzy/Denny thing was. She should have been off the program at this point, without question. But it's fiction I guess so they bend the rules for the storyline. And as much as I like Bailey, that line of questioning from her peers is spot on. In fact I think the writers of the show treated the incident rather lightly (and very poorly!)

Lucile Byrd

I am sorry, but everyone is coddling Izzie and sharing stories of the patients that died because of their own mistakes made. But Izzie didnt "make a mistake" she actively worsened Denny's stable condition to steal a heart from another patient who was in higher on the transplant list due to time enrolled and current condition, jeopardizing the careers of her peers and her supervising resident, as well as the entire hospital and her patient died anyways! It is not the same thing! She should have been fired and reported to the board, and possibly arrested.

Tiffani Donaldson

I love how distracted you get when mark comes on the screen 😄 you just stop talking and thinking it's great lol