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Staton Chapman

A couple sweet moments but overall this prom was wacky episode but I love the wacky moments too

Annie Willow

Rachel pissing on the prom and trying to get all the other Glee kids to come to her anti prom with Brittany right there was just awful. Brittany had clearly been working very hard to make prom fun and memorable for everyone and especially her friends in Glee and you could see her demeanor drop as Rachel kept caring on. She was so upset that they didn’t want to come and Santana wasn’t going to put up with anyone upsetting her Britt. Santana let Rachel have it and she wasn’t even mean about it. Just blunt and real. Get over your crap and don’t piss on one of the last few nights we have still together. Also “Dinosaur” is a real song by Kesha and it’s hilarious but totally fit the genius Dinosaur prom theme. I would have loved for and actual fun theme for mine instead of lame Secret Garden where they just put a few vases of flowers around the tiny ballroom and called it done.

Staton Chapman

Rachel really was trying to play victim like she always does

Siobhan Linehan

Rachel only didn't want to go to the prom because she was really upset and struggling so much with her dreams being dead. I wouldn't want to celebrate either. She didn't force anyone to go with her, she announced it and people decided. Finn and Puck and Becky and Kurt and Blaine all did the same thing, Kurt even said he didn't want to go before Rachel did. And in the end Rachel came around, like she always does. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Rachel is the most misunderstood character on this show. She's a good person with a good heart, she just lets her ambition and her dramas take over sometimes, but she ALWAYS does the right thing in the end. People of course are entitled to their opinions, there are characters I dislike that others love. But I'll always defend Rachel, she's my favourite character and she means a lot to me. And I'm glad that you Travis did see things from Rachel's point of view as well as from the others, I appreciated that because so many people just go straight into hate mode with anything Rachel does. That aside I really enjoy this episode. The songs are good and I actually like Blaine's hair without gel lol, it's cute. Also the fun and light tone was definitely needed after the last few episodes. It's one of my favourite season 3 episodes and one that I'm always happy to rewatch. 🙂

Lenajah Madison

i agree with you rachel is misunderstood and not a lot of people realize that their faves ( not hating ) made her this way. she wants to prove herself to others so she works hard to achieve that goal which leads her to do the wrong things

Siobhan Linehan

I'm so glad someone else sees her in the way that I do. Rachel has been bullied for her whole life, even by some people in Glee club. She has really low self confidence and her almost insane drive she has to reach her dreams is her coping mechanism in a way. She says to herself that if she can become a star then these people who laugh at her and hurt her won't be able to bring her down anymore. Like at the end of the episode when Rachel was made prom queen she couldn't believe it and she even said to Finn that she thought it was a trick. That's how little she actually thinks of herself. She's just an insecure girl who lets her ambition and her lack of confidence take over at times. But she never fails to put things right. She's a good person and one of the most interesting and complex characters I've ever watched. 👌

Tiffany Tews

Constantly baffled that no one knows the bop that is Dinosaur!!! It's a Kesha song, I want to say from her first or second album

Staton Chapman

I thought it was a kesha song. I wasn't for sure


To this day wish I could've had a dinosaur themed prom. Santana is right when she says Britt is a genius.

Ilsuk Yang

I completely forgot about the "Dinosaur" song, lol. For me, that song is funny for the first bit of it, then it gets old, but that's just me. Yeah, so I've always seen Finn getting mad here as him taking issue with Quinn lying about her ability to walk and her using him (again) for her own personal gain. So, I get why he was mad, but he definitely overreacted A LOT! He plays the victim a lot, as do Rachel and Kurt (much more justifiable in his case). Becky and Puck were "totally adorbs" in this episode (no way I can pull off that phrase in person, lol). Also, Sue's and Figgin's dances are hilarious 🤣🤣🤣. Blaine's hair was fine. The music was decent in this episode. Travis, tune in next time to see what happens next (in my best announcer voice)

Amber Karin

When this first aired, I was dying! I loved this song pre-Glee and never thought in a million years I would hear it on this show lol


Darren Criss’ hair looked so much better long and curly vs short and curly. It was so cute when he played HP in A Very Potter Musical!

Gemma Rivera

I understand why Rachel wouldn't feel up for the prom and yeah she's entitled to have her own thing. I also understand Santana's reaction too. Yes it was Britt's prom production, but they were also nominated for prom royalty and I'm sure she would have also loved to win and I'm sure they also have other friends too that they'd want to spend one last dance with. There would also be those moments missed out on. Funny that they all came to that same conclusion that Santana voiced in the choir room pretty quickly too once Finn came to the hotel. That's why for me it really didn't feel like they were doing the anti-prom for the reasons that they gave (for disenfranchised groups because it's not like they were banned from going to the prom for various reasons...hair gel issue aside) it felt more like they had reasons for not going, but those evaporated once Finn came to take Rachel to the prom Finn really overreacted to the Quinn walking situation. Even though she wasn't shouting it from the rooftops, I get why she might be cautious about letting people know...putting aside the selfish reasons that they heavily leaned on, she wouldn't be able to just walk and dance around like nothing happened. She hadn't walked for weeks and so there would be a really good chance she might fatigue easily and fall. I loved that they just had her stand up during the song and that Santana came over to support her (Naya improvised this bit and director Eric Stoltz decided to keep it in). That was much more dramatic, but also realistic. Loved the songs...Santana slayed that Selena Gomez song and she and Quinn sounded amazing together on that duet. Loved the boys' number. The full studio version featured a verse by Harry and it was a shame they didn't give him a moment to shine since he was the only senior on that stage. Also the Naya background moments in this episode are priceless...in the choir room she smacks her butt in response to Kevin and tickles Amber under her nose and Amber smacks her and in the scene where Blaine shows his real hair, her facial expressions in the background are hilarious


Becky (and Puck) is the best part of this episode!


Someone may have to correct me on this but I am pretty sure that is Darren’s (Blaine) real hair. He has naturally curly hair. If you ever watch the first A Very Potter Musical you can see that he used to have a fro in college. The hair gel was not bad at first but it became a gel helmet at some point. It got kind of ridiculous. Anyways, I think they just made Darren’s real hair extra crazy for the Blaine with no hair gel reveal. I love that scene. it’s so cute. I love how supportive Kurt is and as someone else pointed out Santana has a great reaction in the background.


So you have to go back and rewatch the scene with Blaine when he comes back without hair gel and he’s talking to Brittany. Watch Santana in the background. It’s HILARIOUS. I just noticed it a few months ago and it’s gold.

Annie Willow

She’s fantastic! “Oh my god! That’s Blaine!” Always gotta keep a sharp eye out for the background moments! Naya is always laughing and breaking character. I love it so much.


You're definitely right! Darren has said that he liked Blaine's hair in season 2 but after S2 it was different people who'd do his hair and he didn't feel like he could say anything about how it should be 🙃

Brandy Murphy

If you haven't been told yet or you haven't figured it out yet yes Dinosaur is a real song it is by Kesha lol

leslie martin

Yes Blaine and Rachel always sound amazing together! I think after Jesse, he’s my favourite vocal partner for Rachel! Darren Criss and Lea Michele even went on tour together to sing together! They have a good collection of covers that they did live together including some glee songs and even new ones like Shallow by Lady Gaga

leslie martin

About Rachel… she’s down bad and the fact that Finn can’t see that how she’s reacting is completely normal is so weird.. he’s her bf but can’t understand that him being back to prom next to his ex, the one that bullied Rachel for 2+ years, the one he came back to not more than one season ago, TO PROM, is awful from his side??? Like yes he’s trying to be nice to Quinn but he needs to stop being so immature and always trying to play the nice dumb guy to everyone… and about Santanas reaction, I understand that she thinks Rachel is being selfish but it’s not like she wasn’t the one that decided to quit new directions during their last year all together just bc she was sick of Rachel getting solos… and getting Mercedes and Brittany to quit their friends bc of her ego.. I understand that she wants to be with her friends at prom, but let’s not act like Santana is actually caring about those people THAT much like… they’ve all been together for 3 years but she had been treating Rachel and Finn as friends for like only 3 episodes so… I get both parts, but I don’t like the fact that people are thinking Rachel is being selfish, again, when in fact I think it’s more of a cry for help and maybe I also wouldn’t like to see my fiancée go to our last prom with his ex??

leslie martin

About Rachel being prom queen idk how to feel too! Bc yes, as Rachel I would be pretty disappointed if I knew it was only them two that decided that and not the entire school. She obviously was insecure about her win, as she said to Finn, so I guess her knowing would make her sad.. I think it does make a good wrap up to Santana and Quinn storyline of being mean and jealous of Rachel (for now lol). It’s also a nice full circle moment bc in the last ep and this one Rachel has expressed how much their opinions and their friendships matter to her. So it’s a nice gesture from them and I understand that it’s good for their own storylines, but I’m not so sure how good it is for Rachel.