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YAY!!! Was not so patiently waiting for this LOL


I'm just here to witness the emotional damage.


watching this along with you makes me 10x more emotional😭love these reactions sm! sooo ready for season 3


The scene with them talking to Izzy and then Alex at the end has me ugly crying every single time! 😭😭This show is seriously so well done - they really make you fall in love and care about what happens to all of them! Season 3 here we come! 💜


this ep🥹🥹🥹


You just made it to Grey's first "Chasing Cars" Moment 🥹! It's an iconic song in the series.

Cat King

I love Sandra Oh! 🥰


Also having George and Alex behind her as she's walking. Chefs kiss

Azul Vega

This episode is a perfect end of the season. I feel that it is already starting to mark more what the series is going to be and how it continues to grow in drama. What Iz did was very bad, but I love how everyone was so protective of her. I know it's wrong but I love that moment of Mer and Derek, I can't help but love them. I also love Addie, although it doesn't hurt me as much as I should, I feel that they are not at all compatible with Derek.

Azul Vega

The acting level in the series is very good, everyone has their moments in which they stand out, I feel that the actress who plays Iz, Katherine, this season was able to demonstrate her level much more. Sandra is incredible, and I feel that Ellen (Mer) still has to develop but the feeling it puts on her when she has challenging scenes is brutal. All these actors are incredible and they really make you feel the plot until you cry. The best series in the world 🫶🏻

Emma Mellin

such a good season finale!! cant wait for season 3, i hope there’s no break in between starting the new season as you do for some shows, we have so much to get through 🤣🙈


One of my favorite finales ❤️


I’ll be honest- Izzy became my least favorite intern after these few episodes. As someone who’s dad had a heart transplant after waiting for years- how dare she. If I were the chief she wouldn’t be allowed to step foot in the hospital after that.

Marie Almeida

Such a great reaction as usual. The Alex and Izzy scene in this episode are so beautifully executed. It’s where you see how Alex is rough around the edges but has the purest heart. Buckle up, Shonda rips your heart out multiple times in this series.

Kadence Collins

My jaw DROPPED during the exam room scene with Meredith and Derek the first time I watched it. You're going to love season three for sure!

Sherry Sink

Your reaction at the end, where you looked at the camera dead-on, like, "This is how you're going to play it with Denny? This is what you're going to do?" I wanted to take a step backward, lol! You were intense, and it was hilarious. (And I'm right there with you. I was like, "Are you serious?? They all went through that, for what? Are you freaking serious?")

Sherry Sink

I'm with you on the Meredith and Derek stuff, too. I get that he's tortured about it and feels like he has to do "the right thing," but he can't just keep going back and forth like that. It's not fair to Meredith or Addison, and it's ruining people's chances to be happy elsewhere if he's not going to stay with one of them. He keeps messing with Meredith's head when he does this, and it ticks me off. Poor Finn. Stuck in the middle. It's so crappy.


I loved Alex so much in this episode. He is a jackass and he made some really bad choices but he is so freaking loyal and he has way more empathy than even he knows. His metaphor about football teams was 👌


You’re absolutely right. But this is Derek’s greatest weakness, he always wants to do what he perceives to be the right thing, he wants to be the good guy so bad. He even explained it in the exam room scene - he wants to be the heroic dude that forgives his wife and saves his marriage but he loves Meredith too much to fully do that. But yes he should be brave and finally leave Addison since she doesn’t make him feel the way Meredith does.

Tammy Miller

Awesome season finale! Also awesome reaction Travis!


Burke didn't want to tell Derek about the tremor in his hand - just yet. It's funny how everyone, now, is saying that they don't like the decisions that Derek is making, when - yes, we were stunned that it happened, but come on, who didn't know it was coming - really. And who truly didn't want it to happen. Why be so angry about it. As much as I love Addison, and want her to be happy and move on - she's not an angel. Let's not forget, people, that she's done some stuff to Derek, too. I feel that he's struggling between being honorable, and being with the one he loves. There's nothing wrong with trying to be honorable. He broke. With the one he loves. Not with some random woman, but with the woman he loves. Oh, and also, I love Izzi's heart. It was a bad decision for her to do what she did, but I get it. She was desperate. And btw...Izzi is what started Alex on the path to goodness. If it wasn't for her (and Meredith), Alex would still be an ass all the time - and not just sometimes. lol RIP Doc. RIP Denny. And I love Finn too. Ugh! Such heartbreak.

Chris B.

Perhaps an unpopular opinion but Alex deserves a waaaaaaayyyyyy better love interest than the likes of Izzie Stevens....

Lucile Byrd

Its dumb enough to all stand there in the chief's office and take the fall for Izzie, but then to tell Alex that he was as much to blame as the rest of them when he was not even there is bullshit! I love Alex too, he is the best! He is my 2nd all time favorite character of this entire show!

Tiffani Donaldson

I agree with you on what's meant to be will be. I also say everything happens for a reason and that wasn't the heart meant for him. He was either meant to die, as sad as that sounds, or hr was meant to have another heart and he was meant to live the right way

Laryn Ann Tapp

I have watched episodes of GA ever since it aired. I can handle a lot of things but not Denny dying. It was a great idea to expose Alex's soft side that we hadn't seen before. This was GA at its best. I need Kleenex.