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Easily one of my favorite Glee tribute episodes. So many good/great covers this episode. The cover version of "How Will I Know" is one of my favorite covers from Glee (easily within my top 5) always wished they did more acappella version of songs like they did with "How Will I Know".


Yess! I just knew you’d love this one.

Annie Willow

So damn good. I listen to “I Wanna Dance With Somebody” all the time! I actually like the GCV better than Whitney’s and I know that’s blasphemy but the production is more upbeat and makes me want to dance more and of course I love the pronoun changes. Not to mention Heather wasn’t even supposed to be dancing that much but insisted she do the full dance with the Cheerios. I always get so teary-eye with “My Love is Your Love” with the Glee kids all coming in even though they didn’t have to meet. It just goes to show that they really are a family and will still be there for each other even outside of scheduled Glee club meetings.

Staton Chapman

I actually loved Kurt's performance

Travis Manning

To me it was just okay. That song calls for a powerful vocal and 99% of the time anyone that covers it falls short in my opinion. No fault of his...I just prefer more power especially in the chorus.

Ilsuk Yang

Quinn literally felt a "poke coming through" lol! Yeah, I really enjoy all the performances in this one. Definitely a good tribute episode. Kurt was totally cheating on Blaine, but so did Blaine with Sebastien. I mean they both had the same reasoning behind their respective cheating ("it didn't mean anything," "he's just a guy I know"). Now Kurt's was definitely worse because he had a connection with Chandler while Blaine didn't really have that connection with Sebastien. And seriously Kurt, Blaine literally transferred schools for you! He's literally showing you how much he loves you! I do think that Kurt, at times, can play the victim card a little bit too much. I gotta say that Quinn pretty much sounds good with anyone. I see her as great support for other singers, not as a solo act. Plus, I liked Artie and Mercedes singing together. I wish we got a little more of it before everyone else came in. Travis, you'll see how they continue the show in season 4 and beyond. You'll see ;)

Ilsuk Yang

I agree to a certain extent. Kurt's voice is too pretty and delicate (at least the way he did it in this episode) to cover "I Have Nothing" in the way you prefer, Travis (it's the way I prefer it, too). But, I will say that I appreciated his take on it. He didn't try to copy her style, because that wouldn't have worked for him, and, ironically, would've made me like his version less if he tried to "Whitney-fy" it too much. But that's just me


Love this one SO much. All the performances are fab and I love a sassy Blaine!

Gemma Rivera

The opening for this episode is my second favorite of the series, and is definitely in my top 5 favorite glee covers of all time. That quartet is amazing and it being acapella just gives it that much more power to it. So different from the original version, with it's glee spin to it...the layers of harmony *chef's kiss* plus, Naya looks amazing in that dress... We also got a techno version of Dance With Somebody complete with a costume change and Naya rocked the vocals in that song and of course Heather's dancing is always on point. The sped up version of So Emotional was so wonderfully glee and having Lea and Naya sing it was just genius. And we've been introduced to pouty Blaine...I loved his performance this episode and the looks of those in the background...especially Santana's. The looks that she shoots Kurt during the number are priceless and further reinforces my head canon that she and Blaine are secret besties, lol. This episode really does start the sad march to graduation and goodbye for the graduating seniors. Funny how Mr. Schue's lesson ended up being the most relevant for himself. Glad you liked this one Travis...and you should listen to Amber's version of I Have Nothing from her time on the Masked Singer. It's pretty amazing

Siobhan Linehan

You think you're emotional now, just wait until the end of the season. I'm not someone who cries a lot but what happens gets me going every time. So be prepared for a breakdown. 😂 As for this episode, I loved Santana and Rachel finally becoming sort of friends. Rachel definitely becomes less and less self centered as the seasons go on and you can see now how much she's grown from the start of the show when you said you didn't like her lol, her character development is 👌. I like how Blaine's frustration and Will being a jerk about the wedding was all because they're so scared of the people they love leaving them. This episode really is the beginning of the end of like the first era of Glee, things get very different after season 3. Not in a bad way, but of course with about half of the current kids graduating there's going to be a lot to get used to. 🙈 And most of the songs in this episode are great. I would've changed Kurt singing I Have Nothing, he's got a beautiful voice but doesn't have the power needed for that song. That should've gone to either Rachel or Mercedes imo. But I loved Santana and Brittany's duet and how they changed the words to fit a woman and woman relationship, that makes me smile. And the opening acapella number is just gorgeous, that note Rachel hits gives me chills every time. 🔥 Oh and the next episode is going to SHOCK you to your core. 👀

Siobhan Linehan

Haha yep, that doesn't happen often with us. That's the power of Whitney I guess. 😂😜


One of my favorite Kurt performances. I love the emotion he brings to it. I honestly feel like crying when he sings it. You can feel how much he loves Blaine and how worried and hurt he is when he thinks that he is losing him. I agree that he doesn't use as much power in it, but I applaud him for insisting on singing it in the original key, which is not the easiest thing to do.


Such a great episode. Some of the best vocal performances. Three times they brought me to tears. The emotion in this episode was absolutely genuine becuse this episode did actually air just a few months after Whitney's death.


This episode was the birth of one of my favorite glee arguments: was it cheating or not? I personally think that if a partner thinks that what you're doing is cheating then it doesn't matter what you think, it was cheating. Anyway, I like this episode but it also has one of my least favorite songs in glee history. Honestly, I am just excited for season 4 :D

David Guilmette

I was concerned about you watching this after Mercedes singing I Will Always Love You, but this was a great episode. I LOVE Blaine singing It’s Not Right.

Jasmine Lambert

omg you mentioning nutbush city limits made me so excited, just wait for season 4!!!

Marek Barwinek

'I have nothing' is one of my top fav covers from Glee. I love Chris Colfer's voice and this song showcases it and what it can do really well.

Mark Wood

Have to absolutely disagree with a major part of your opinion. And will start with yes both are absolutely doing things wrong, Absolutely without question. All my points are based on just what we know and what the characters state about things. Kurt meets Chandler at best Monday after school. Blaine discovers this no later than Wednesday after school. We have no idea (outside of Kurt letting Blaine know on Friday that he had told Chandler not to contact him) if Kurt ever communicates with Chandler after that. So either the first night when confronted or the next after being told he doesn't like what is going on, Kurt stops. He never talks by phone to our knowledge, never meets in person with him. You state Kurt liked how Chandler made him feel (which is absolutely true, we just don't know how), but we can also clearly see Blaine immediately likes how Sebastian is flirting and complimenting him when the first meet, and their next encounter. The nature of the communication, Chandler is absolutely over the top flirting. The question is (and we don't know) is he actively just flirting or he is actually pushing for more. We never hear a request for sex, and the only time we hear about meeting up is we should meet up months later when in New York. We never hear anyone mention how Kurt responds. And this is very telling for me. If I found my spouse flirting back over texts, that would be the messages I would confront him about. Not the other persons. Because that shows your partners true intent. And we have more evidence, Kurt freely lets Rachel read the texts, I can't see someone willing to do that unless they didn't thank what they were posting was bad (doesn't mean he still isn't doing something wrong, though). Now Rachel points out perfectly that, if Chandlers texts are so innocent, why wouldn't you show Blaine (even if both parties are innocent, the communications can still be very hurtful to another). So yes we know what he is doing is wrong. Compare that to Blaine and Sebastian. Sebastian when they first meet directly flirts and hits on Blaine, Blaine seems to enjoy it, enough so that he agrees to meet him for a coffee date (something he doesn't tell Kurt about). At that meeting, Blaine does let Sebastian know he's dating someone, and Sebastian informs Blaine that he is open to cheating and meeting on the side, that he won't tell. But he is very upfront about what he wants from Blaine, there is absolutely no ambiguity. Kurt is NEVER informed about this (he figures it out over time himself, not because his partner eve shares that information with him). When they go meet him at the bar, Kurt is upfront that he doesn't like or trust Sebastian. What does Blaine do? He tells Kurt that Sebastian is harmless. A direct and complete lie, as Blaine is aware of exactly what Sebastian wants. He then proceeds to spend the bulk of the night dancing with the guy his boyfriend doesn't like or trust, knowing this guy wants to have sex with him. Now just right there, things are worse. When Kurt is informed about Blaine's feelings he either that night or the next(we just don't which of the two days) stops all communication with Chandler. Never meets him, never talks to him. And thats with us not having any idea of what Chandler is wanting from Kurt. Again the only mention of wanting to meet up is for months down the line. Doesn't really indicate a push for a direct booty call. Blaine misrepresents Sebastian intentions, spends a good part of the night dancing with the guy he knows wants to have sex with him, and that his boyfriend doesn't like or trust....Kurt and Blaine finally have a confrontation, where Blaine tells Kurt he has nothing to worry about (which from Blaine's point might be accurate, absolutely not from Sebastians). But knowing how it makes Kurt feel, what does Blaine do after? He keeps in both phone and text contact with him, and it's something that Kurt isn't aware of until Sebastian brings it up weeks if not possible months later. In fact Blaine only stops interacting with Sebastian after Sebastian assaults him. Kurt's no angel, but Blaine is worse. This from someone who finds Blaine generally more entertaining then Kurt.

Mark Wood

Generally I thank each couple should have the talk about what is or isn't cheating to them. There are people who consider your returning a glance, to be cheating. Some who consider being alone with someone of the same sex you are attracted to to be cheating. Those I personally believe are unacceptably restricted, and not behavior that someone should accept their partner to live within. But having a talk in advance is the best way to go. That way you know what your partners expects, and if you're willing to be in relationship with those beliefs. And as someone who is old, the concept of what is considered cheating has greatly expanded in my lifetime. And certainly as a gay man active when be together a year was considered an exceptionally long term relationship, and that it was very very common for people to have a very cavalier attitude towards be faithful, at the time very few gay people would have made a big deal about either characters behavior. As society has become more accepting its become far more common to see gay couples seek longer and more secure relationships (thank God).

Ilsuk Yang

Gonna be honest, a lot of what you said is basically just what I said, you just went into more detail. The only difference is that we disagree with who was more at fault. You're looking more at the specific circumstances whereas I feel like I'm looking more at their relationship as a whole. I think that's where the disconnect is. Either way, they're both wrong and I feel like Blaine's always been more invested in this relationship. Kurt is very much a "me, me, me" person and it's reflected in their relationship. Either way, we have different opinions and that's ok ;)

Mark Wood

For myself, one of the biggest differences, Is that this season is really the first season we get to really see Blaine (previously it's all been through Kurt's eyes). This season is the first time we get to see a negative side to Blaine. With Kurt we have had three seasons were we get to see the characters warts and all (so we are well aware of his many character flaws). So we have a more balanced (and probably realistic view of Kurt, and a more romanticized view of Blaine). So that its much easier to instinctively take Blaine's side. And my judgment in finding Blaine worse, wasn't judging Blaine and Kurts whole relationship (thats another whole issue. Just their interactions with two individuals which calls into questions both of their faithfulness, and just those situations. More specifically how would I react if I was the other partner in the two situations. I wouldn't be happy with either but which would be the lesser of the two evils, so to speak. Would I be more upset about Kurt texting, and only texting someone for two or three days, and with the evidence not pointing towards a more serious threat to the relationship, and one that the partner ended when my displeasure was announced. Or would I be more upset it my partner did a Blaine. Had in person contact, had phone contact, had texting contact. That contact continued even after I stated how much it bothered me, and after I discovered that the other person was seriously trying to break us up. And that the contact only stop when he got hurt, versus doing it for our relationship. For me on those issues alone, I would rather have done to me what Kurt did than what Blaine did. Who would I rather have as a boyfriend based so far overall, that answer would be Blaine.


Fun Fact: Heather (Brittany) had her costume in the music video part of Dance With Somebody altered so she could do the choreography. She had her shoes changed out and shorts added to the outfit so she could do the floor parts of the routine. She learned all the choreography and wanted to do it.


I agree with you on the i have nothing performance. Its really hard to watch. Maybe just because I am a big Whitney fan but that is such a soulful song and it is just a really bad choice for his voice. Theres definitely a few other people I would've chosen in the glee club to sing that song instead.

Capri Zonica

Their BTS is even cuter. Can't believe they haven't diet since Me against the music.