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ahhh!!! these last few eps are so crazy

Kadence Collins

I cannot wait for you to watch this finale !!!

Marie Almeida

These few episodes are insane. love that you’re loving it. Yes, women can get ovarian cancer that young. I had a friend who was diagnosed and 15 and passed away at 23. Still hurts when I think of her.


That scene between Meredith and George always gets swept up in the drama of the rest of the story but I love it so much. I love that he apologizes to her. I love them both.

Karina Mac

The fact that you were speechless for most of this episode is so telling of how intense it is!


As someone who has spent a lot of time in the hospital due to family members being sick it is really hard for me to separate my feelings from what Izzy did. It's unforgivable and in my opinion the downfall of her character. Literally anything that comes out of her mouth I cannot get behind.

Izzie H

Thank you for another great reaction! Its one of my favorites but almost everyone in my circle hates it 🤷‍♂️. So its nice to (virtually) watch with someone that really enjoys it. And to answer your question Ovarian cancer in adolescence is rare and make up about 1% of all pediatric cancers (Aged 1-15) In most of those cases that were diagnosed was almost always due to mutations in the genes. Specifically mutations in the genetic markers BRCA1 and BRCA2 which (plot twist) normally protect from getting certain cancers, however those mutations are inherited, and don't allow those genes to work properly.Research has also shown that height and obesity are contributing factors in ovarian (and other) cancers. Ill end there because otherwise it'll be a whole ass book lol.

Sherry Sink

Probably one of the most stressful episodes I've ever seen. SO MUCH GOING ON!!!! Can't wait to see what you think of the next part.


Can’t wait til u get to the later seasons

Tyler Mckenzie

Would you be losing your shit if it was your seventeen year old nephew losing his virginity? Or would you be praising him? Just something to consider. Double standard.

Tyler Mckenzie

Yes it's common even a 4 year old can get cancer. Cancer doesn't care how old you are. All it cares about is where it needs to spread to.

Travis Manning

I was referring to that specific type of cancer .... I know children can get cancer. I'm not stupid lol

Tyler Mckenzie

Oh I know your not stupid. And to answer your question my mom has seen ovarian cancer in a 10 year old. It’s not that common but it happens.

Angelina Sargent

Yeah I know what you mean 100%. I lost my parents to cancer and watched them spend years in icu during it all but I also know that I would have done anything for them to get better somehow and stay alive. I was on the transplant list for my dad and found out I was able to be a donor a week before he died and I was barely out of highschool at the time. I would have cut an lvad wire if it would have saved him. And if it were my husband it would have been even worse. The only difference between me and izzie is that I don't think I would have gone that far when I have barely known the guy for a few weeks so I see how you're feeling about her, it's kind of gross. But if I was in her shoes with someone I loved the way she thinks she does I would do it in a split second and try not to think about the families I maybe destroying. It's a big reason my entire family is an organ donor. Probably to make up for the fact that we feel that way and maybe our future deaths can bring peace to others when we're gone. Her justification was that denny is a great man and deserves the heart too and in my brain my dad had 5 daughters between 20 and 10 years old and a wife who was legitimately head over heels for her husband of 25 years. I know for sure that I would have pulled that bullshit if I had an opportunity to do so and I don't think having kids or a specific loved one is any justification to do it. It's just selfish. And everyone wants more time with the people they love. They want to put off the inevitable.


I was silently hoping You'd release both eps since it's almost painful how the split the story so we are left in the dark. It makes my day watching You love this show!


Everyone feels different but I wouldn't even know what to do with those wires so cutting one is definitely out of the question for me. Izzy getting other people involved also made me lose respect for her, and how aggressive she was towards everyone honestly we would not have been friends after that. My sister was 15 and I was 20 when she passed and she was in the talks of getting a pace maker, but passed before it could happen. This always make me think of this episode that's just not something I could do to my baby sister.

Charissa Kay

Yeah we are deep in the binge era now and I binge on rewatches so it's interesting to have to watch this way, but actually physically painful and almost not worth it lol. I actually remember that I stopped watching the show altogether after the s2 finale because they left something else on a cliff and I didn't want to wait and just graduated HS anyway and had stuff to do. I didn't pick the show back up until I randomly came across s5 opener on syndication almost 10 years later (during or prior to s12 or 13, I believe). I caught up (went back and watched 3+4) and then kept on until the most previous season. I'm done watching now, but I rewatch until about s16 almost every year. This is probably the single most talked about finale and it's still pure torture waiting lol.

Angelina Sargent

See I wouldn't know what to do in real life either... but if I had similar knowledge as her with an army full of drs who had my back when they shouldn't. Hell yeah I would try something if the alternative was my family member would die.


I don't know if anyone has anwered your question, or if you found out on your own (I'm so far behind), but the actress Brooke Smith (Erica Hahn) is from the movie "Silence of the Lamb". Maybe that's where you remember her from. She was fantastic in that movie. She played the girl that got kidnapped by Buffalo Bill.


She's almost 18...nothing wrong with her responsibly engaging in sex with her committed boyfriend. Especially not her Uncle's business. I don't understand why Adele shared that personal information with him.

Chris B.

Izzie is so deranged. I didn't like her at all since the beginning of the series but these eps are when she really overtook Burke as my least favorite character.

Chris B.

Also not only was she psychotic enough to do all that but she also dragged the others into it. She risked all of their medical licenses and possible criminal prosecution. She threatened the accreditation of the entire hospital. She likely condemned the other person who was originally supposed to receive the heart. Not to mention, in reality this stunt was more likely to kill Denny than to ever help him and she just got extremely lucky. How dare she claim that she cares about any of them???? She only cares about her own unregulated feelings that she has no emotional intelligence to navigate appropriately. I wouldn't care if she had been married to Denny for 40 years, this was pure, selfish, idiocy. If I were Bailey or one of the other interns I would do everything in my power to make 100% sure she burned for this. She is a threat to everyone around her and has no business remaining in the medical profession.

Lucile Byrd

Izzie is so extremely selfish and stupid! She did this dangerous criminal thing, asked George to help but wouldnt tell him 1st what he was helping with and everytime he asked she would tell him to shut up, to help her or leave! she didnt care at all about the person who was supposed to receive the heart that she stole for Denny, she didnt care about the trouble her "friends" would get in, or the hospital, she didnt even seem to care when she heard Burke was shot other than that he wouldnt be able to swoop in and save Denny from her attempted murder! As for the scene with George and Meredith, I am glad he acknowledged his part in their fight and seemingly forgives her, but he went from one extreme (acting like it was entirely Meredith's fault) to the other extreme (acting like she was faultless).