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Siobhan Linehan

Wow three episodes in one day! So exciting! I guess someone did pay for a boost, awesome. Thank you to whoever did that and thank you as always Travis for the reactions. 😊

Siobhan Linehan

Just watched it. I really do like this episode. The Slitheen are funny aliens, I laugh at them too. They're great lol. And when The Doctor says to Rose "I could save the world but lose you" I get chills every time. She means that much to him already, he loves her so much that he'd consider letting the world die to save her. He never would let that happen of course, but just him considering it is huge. 😍 I can't wait for the next episode, I think you'll get emotional, I always do with the next one, but it's brilliant. 😊


I'm a fan of the story - aliens in disguise taking over the government from the inside - but really not a fan of the alien! lol. The farting and overly dramatic acting was definitely written for the kids. The classic Doctor Who series was intended as family viewing and that's how Russell T Davies approaches it this time around. It's takes him a minute to find the right balance, but once he does it's totally on point. Until then we get the occasional alien like this to contend with lol.

Siobhan Linehan

Oh no the Slitheen are awesome. I'm an adult and I love them, many adults I know do. They are ridiculous but they're also really fun. Everyone's been asking RTD on his Instagram page to bring them back for Ncuti. 😂😂


Haha that's the genius of the show, what some people like, others hate and vice versa. There are a few other aliens right up to the most recent run that I roll my eyes at when I see them, but then there are others that I adore that other people just don't get and want to skip. Despite not enjoying them I do like to watch the reactions. There is only one episode that I always skip the reactions for, and without saying anything specific it's the one where the alien was created by a kid as part of a blue peter competition. That being said, I think Travis will laugh his butt off so I might watch it if and when we get there.

Siobhan Linehan

Oh I know the episode you mean, that episode is just horrible. But Travis will definitely laugh so I'll watch that too lol. But I still think Kill The Moon wins the prize for the worst episode. That one made me want to kick my TV. 😂😂

Staton Chapman

I'd be dramatic as fuck too travis if I was dealing with aliens like that

Cat King

They were moving slowly at first because they were hunting. They were enjoying making them feel scared. Then the doctor pissed them off, and then they just wanted to kill them. "Victory should be naked!!"

Ilsuk Yang

I feel like this reaction was basically just you making fun of the Slitheen lol