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Staton Chapman

Why is Rose getting so mad. She's the one that agreed to come along

Siobhan Linehan

I knew you'd like this one more than the first one, it's really fun this episode. I love how you called the blue guy a "little blue nugget" lol. You're right about the make up being great, most of the aliens in this show are "real" as in they're not CGI. Because of the limited budget it was cheaper for them to create the aliens themselves. Even The Face Of Boe was made, he's a giant robot and he's controlled by a guy sitting behind him with two remote controls. And we see The Face Of Boe many more times, he becomes very important. And Cassandra was a real prop as well. Also I love the growth you see in The Doctor and Rose's relationship, the way The Doctor told Rose about his planet shows just how much he already trusts her. They're adorable together. 😊 I'm really glad you're enjoying the show so far, the next episode is really good so I look forward to that soon. (Although if anyone has some money to spare and wants to give the show an episode boost so the next few come out quicker that would be greatly appreciated. 😜😂)

Siobhan Linehan

Agreeing to come along doesn't mean that she isn't scared by it all. She wasn't really mad at The Doctor, she was just overwhelmed by the situation and wanted some reassurance that the person she's ran away with is someone she can trust. And at the end he proved that he is.


I think this episode is much stronger than the first one, it really builds on the relationship between the Doctor and Rose, and gives us a bit more insight to what we can expect from the show going forward! I love Rose's one-liners 😂 "bitchy-trampoline" and "I'll go talk to Michael Jackson over there" 😂😂

Siobhan Linehan

The "bitchy trampoline" line cracks me up every time. Rose had great sass. 😂😂

Staton Chapman

True. i guess i just didnt really understand at first bc she went with him without really knowing him plus I posted the comment while I was watching as soon as it happened lol but I really liked this episode. I'm watching for the first time along with Travis lol

Siobhan Linehan

Oh that's awesome. I love that Travis isn't the only person watching it for the first time. It's my favourite show so I'm glad that Travis and you are enjoying it. You're in for a lot of laughs but also a lot of emotions going forward. No show has made me cry as much as this one, so buckle up. 😂

Siobhan Linehan

You're in trouble then lol. This show will break your heart, I promise you that. 😂


This is own the episode that really stands out in my mind it gives us a glimpse into the mystery of The Doctor.

Siobhan Linehan

I'm just joking around and teasing. Most shows will make viewers cry at some point, it doesn't spoil anything. It's fine. 👍

Siobhan Linehan

Yeah definitely. This is the first episode that new viewers start to get the first pieces of the puzzle behind who The Doctor is. A puzzle we still don't have all the answers to in 2023 lol.


I'd consider boosting when there's an opportunity to do so

Siobhan Linehan

There are boosts available now. There's a two episode boost for $70 and a three episode boost for $100. The three might be better if you could afford it because after the next episode is a two parter. Unless by "an opportunity to do so" you meant you need to save up.


Oh I didn't realize I could just request one (I'm newer to Travis's patreon). I thought Travis announced when they were available lol. I just worked out how to, so I'll request a 3 ep boost

Siobhan Linehan

Yeah with episode boosts they're usually just available. You buy one and then drop back down to your original tier to keep the boosts free for others. And thanks, that's exciting. 😊

Ilsuk Yang

So, it looks like I'm in the minority here since I liked the pilot better than this episode (I just thought it was funnier than this episode). Now, what I did like about this episode is seeing more of the Doctor's character. We see here that he's not just a goofy adventure seeker, but that there's real pain in his life that you can really see in his eyes. We see that he has compassion for all life, but that he also has no problem with pure vengeance (I knew you would find Cassandra exploding hilarious, rofl, because it was the most hilarious part of the episode, although, "bitchy trampoline" comes in a close second, lol). We also see that he can attach himself emotionally to people very easily, even to people he's just met (Rose and Jabe). The Doctor is a fascinating character. I'll see you in the next one, Travis!

Ilsuk Yang

So, for me, Rose is like this because she's a teenager, an older teenager, sure, but still a teenager. She just jumped into this without thinking about the consequences. She got on a "magical" spaceship with a man she just met. She barely even thought about her boyfriend and mother when she chose adventure and thrills over them. It isn't until she's on the observation deck watching the sun roast the earth that she begins to think about the consequences of her actions. So, I cut her a little slack since she's still really young at this point

Cat King

So even though there will be tons of other things I love over the series. One of the most memorable moments from doctor who for me has always been Cassandra. I love her Soooo much "moisturise me!" 😂 "whatever I am it must be invisible. Why don't you two go pollinate." 😂 The Doctor can be wrathful as you can see with cassandra. Which is a very interesting thing we see very early in this series. So yes the doctor is a Time Lord. He is the last of the Time Lords (which is a type of alien species). And we will learn more about them. This is one of the big things and ways we refer to the doctor.

Siobhan Linehan

Cassandra is awesome for a villain, she makes me laugh in this episode. And she's also canon transgender too. She says "when I was a little boy" which was a reference to that. And they delve more into her being trans in some audio stories too. 😊

Tyler Mckenzie

So this is very accurate according to astronomers. The Sun is said to expand in 5 billion years and reach all the way to Mars destroying Earth. So cool. Humans probably won't be around then unfortunately.

Tyler Mckenzie

The Earth will be here for billions of years just not Earth as we know it. The planet is already 4.6 Billion years old. Planets and stars have a huge life span. Humans won't be around for much longer probably, but that doesn't mean the planet won't be. Humans are only 200,000 years old from earths 4.6 billion.

Sherry Sink

I like this episode because it makes you think about the earth and how long we've been here and how long we may last (or not). It all feels very fragic and precious. I think that's what Rose got out of this first trip - she sees her own world with new eyes and things mean more to her. Even chips. ;)

Linus Marjeta

I also thinks this gives her the view that what she did on earth prior to meeting the Doctor is mostly pointless comparatively, which is something that becomes a bit more relevant later.