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Amber Karin

This is definitely my favorite episode of the season because there's just so many emotions!

Siobhan Linehan

I decided not to rewatch this episode. It's one of just three Glee episodes that I find very difficult to watch because of my anxiety. But I do enjoy the songs in this one, Rachel singing Here's To Us is fantastic and I enjoy Sebastian singing Glad You Came. 🙂

Emma Mellin

i love this episode ❤️

Brittany Wilson

This is definitely one of the more emotional episodes of the series. The Karofsky story line gets to me every time.


I don't think you ever would have recognized him, but the vampire is Ian Brennan, one of Glee's creators. Ian was responsible for some of Glee's really cracky stuff, like most of Sue's rants.

Tiffany Tews (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-23 17:23:31 The usual acapella outro song after Quinn gets hit by a car is toooooo much
2023-02-06 00:56:29 The usual acapella outro song after Quinn gets hit by a car is toooooo much

The usual acapella outro song after Quinn gets hit by a car is toooooo much

Ilsuk Yang

I didn't realize it was this episode going in, so I got blindsided a little bit. Karovsky's character arc is one of the best I've seen and I didn't think I would be hit that hard with this episode (both when it aired and now). Sebastien feeling such guilt over the terrible things he did and said to Karovsky shows great growth on his part as well. It was really nice to see him be genuinely happy for the New Directions (I mean, when you have a guy like Grant Gustin who can smile like that, you need to give him more reasons to be happy). Everyone did well in regionals. I think that's the best Grant has ever sounded, but you're right, he just doesn't have "it." Stronger was so good and yet, I don't remember it from when it aired (I swear, at times it's like I'm seeing this show for the first time, lol). I agree, having Stronger be the final song would've been much better, but we know the plot will not allow the New Directions to lose (we saw that when the Trouble Tones lost at sectionals). Rachel did sound great with that last song (I mean, the worst she's sounded, when healthy, is pretty good). She hit that key change so well! Oh, what can I say about that ending. My jaw literally dropped when this episode first aired! How could they do that to Quinn? I figure, the show runners were like, "They haven't suffered enough in this episode, so lets do this". I think this might be the first time I was more emotional than you during a reaction, lol. But yeah, I look forward to your next Glee reaction

Gemma Rivera

This episode definitely packs a punch, but in a good way on so many fronts. I have said it before. Karofsky's character arcs is one of the best on this show. What's amazing to me is that it feels very organic and Max Adler plays him to perfection. Around this time last year, Karofsky had just sort of started to break through the ice of his character in the superbowl episode only to regress by the end of that same episode. What a difference a year makes. This is one of the best competition sets of the whole series, but I do agree that they should have ended it with the Troubletones singing "Stronger". Rachel's song is Halestorm's "Here's to Us" heavily edited lyrics so that they could show it on primetime. Opening with "Fly/I Believe I Can Fly" was great. So many of my favorite things in that one song. Harry and Naya dancing together, Naya rapping, and Artie and Mercedes with amazing vocals. A winning formula for New Directions is to have Santana and Mercedes at the forefront. Sancedes singing together is always a winner in my book. Thank you for what you said about mental health Travis. It is true that it is sometimes so difficult to tell what's going on underneath the surface for someone, so please take that into consideration when interacting with people. I was glad to see Sebastian see and really take in how his actions affect others. Also, Quinn deserves so much better. Dianna is an amazing actress. (I have followed her career since Glee and she has done some great projects). The scene with her and Sue in the office was brilliant acting on Dianna's part. I personally think that they had Sue get pregnant so that they could have her do things out of character and blame pregnancy hormones.

Annie Willow

This one always hits so hard and it feels like it’s a four hour long episode with all that happens in it. I always feel like I got hit by the truck at the end and just have to sit there for a while to absorb it all and process. I mean, there was a two month hiatus after this aired so we really did have no choice but to sit and take it all in and wait to know what happens to Quinn.


I’ve seen this series like 5 times in the last two years and I remember a lot of the episode as a whole but I always get blindsided by it. Until I recognize the scene with Kurt and Blaine on stage before he sings cough syrup and I realize. BIG emotions in this one, but it’s nice in a way.

David Guilmette

OMG, this episode gets me every time! I didn’t realize which episode it was until Blaine started singing cough syrup, I immediately began crying because I knew what was coming, and then completely forgetting Quinn’s scene in the car! It is important for people to know that there are people out there that will listen and help someone through tough times. Thank you Travis for never hiding what you are feeling as you react. Keep up the good work


That’s when I realised what episode it was as well


I made it through the whole episode without crying but your post episode talk got me. When this episode first aired I was in my senior year of high school and I was bullied every day (psychologically). This episode brought back a lot of old feelings that I did not expect.


This was the last episode before a mid season break, so yeah, we had to wait MONTHS to see what happened!!


I lost my oldest daughters father to suicide, coming up on 6 years in a little under a month. It is the worst thing I have ever had to survive. Not only because he was my best friend but also I feel so guilty for not being there to pull him out of his head. I saved that man from himself for 15 years and the one time I wasn't there and I couldn't answer the phone because I was in class, college course, he succeeded. Rips a hole in my chest every day and I see the pain in my now 12 year old daughters eyes, anytime someone says his name or I tell her the face she made was a face her dad made all the time. I feel bad when I see that flash of pain in her eyes but I don't want her to forget him. I don't want her to bottle up all the feelings she has about him and for him. I don't want him lost to her because of this. She only found out that he took his own life 2 summers ago. She knew he passed but I didn't tell her that it was by his own hand. How do you tell a 6 year old that? I told her that he got sick and couldn't get better because it was the closest thing to the actual truth that I could think of. When she came to me 2 summers ago and asked the same question, she wouldn't accept that answer. Then she asked me flat out if he did it himself and since I promised myself I would not flat lie to her about any of it, I answered her honestly. The breakdown that she had was awful. I am crying and shaking just thinking about it. It took a long time for us to pull her back together. If you are wondering, yes she asked me how he did it and I told her that it didn't matter and I would not tell her that because it is unnecessary to the situation. I don't want her to think about that. I don't want her to be able to envision it in her mind. I have that image myself and it is one I won't share with her. I carry this guilt around, this anger, but I push it down. I don't want her to feel what I feel. She feels bad enough without knowing that her dad shattered me. I don't want her to know the pain I have, hers is heavy enough. Sorry for the long comment. This episode destroyed me the first time I saw it because I wasn't warned it was coming. I literally started screaming and crying in hysterics because I knew the second I saw Daves locker, what was going to come. Even tho I saw it coming, it didn't ease the pain of watching it or the envy of Dave living. Please people, if you need help or someone to talk to, Please send me a message or call me or call someone. It is never ever worth the pain that gets left behind. Instagram franwiththehair


Did anybody else notice Mitch Grassi in this episode? They didn't really do much with him, but he was part of The Golden Goblets.


I heard he was in an episode but I could never find him. Thank you for tellin us!

Lauren Barton

Travis! I love you! That Fly/I Believe I Can Fly mashup is still in my top like 10 favorite Glee songs. I think it MIGHT be their best mashup.