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Siobhan Linehan

That stuff with Ricky's mum is SO messed up, she shouldn't have invited her new boyfriend to Ricky's opening night. Like of course that's going to freak him out. I was really angry with her for doing that. 🙈 And I love how Seb smashed his role as Sharpay, his voice is amazing. You get to hear him sing more in season 2. He's a really underrated character. 👌 And you're right, the episodes are definitely too short. Each season is released 1 episode per week as well. 😂

Siobhan Linehan

Yep lol, every season comes out one episode per week. And season 4 that starts later this year will be the same. It's annoying AF. 🤣


What else could go wrong? She should never have invited Todd. Not only is it messed up to spring him on Ricky like that at such a critical moment, but she is sitting next to her recently divorced husband, and he shouldn't have to deal with Todd right now, either.

Siobhan Linehan

You're 100% right. She should never have done that. 👌 Also I notice your Doctor Who profile pic and name. I've just paid $500 for Travis to react to Doctor Who from the start of New Who, the reactions will start very soon. 😊


Yup! When this aired I was already itching for the last episode. One of the few shows that still did weekly releases on a streaming platform such as Euphoria, I think weekly releases really amped up the hype and anticipation for what's the come next, wish more shows still did this instead of releasing everything at once just to binge in 24 hours haha

Siobhan Linehan

Yeah I agree! Waiting a week between episodes is more fun because the fans all speculate about what's going to happen and it is more exciting. But because the HSMTMTS episodes are so short, the weekly releases just feel so much longer lol. I wish the episodes were 45mins to 1 hour long. 😂


Yeah exactly! It creates conversation about what's going to happen next and you have the anticipation to wait a week for the next episode. Yeah I wish the episodes were longer too, they could definately fit more songs/plots in if they extended it


Literally in here almost right after commenting on your YouTube release of episode 1 haha😂🤷🏾‍♂️

Ilsuk Yang

That's right Travis! Disney + releases their series old school. No Netflix season drops for Disney + series, unfortunately


honestly it could have gone better with the whole parent situation... Riky's mom should have introduced her new boyfriend WAY before opening night (an important night for Ricky) then he might have been okay seeing the new boyfriend in the audience next to his mom but since she didn't and he hadn't even met the man before that night (actually he hasn't even met the man period) it's a complete and total disaster...