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I see that you just had the same reaction I had (and that I keep having at every rewatch) at the first appearance of Mark Sloan. There are gorgeous actors in the show, and more gorgeous actors will arrive in later seasons, but of the many characters in the show, I think only one other can rival McSteamy as the hottest of them all!


My favorite character Mark Sloan has entered the building!!! Yes!!!!

Luke K. De An

I do agree with that reaction to Mark haha! He’s just so unbelievably attractive! In fact, he’s a major influence in helping me realized I was gay.

Suzy Differ

omg I could hardly wait for you to 'meet' Mark. He is a little breathtaking. And yes one of each would work for me too.

Cat King

Lol you don't get the vibes.... The next episode is gonna be hilarious 😂 The hair is looking fabulous today 😍 Get it!! 🥰


Oooo I’m curious to know which one you think is hotter than McSteamy, cause he’s pretty darn beautiful. I haven’t watched the later seasons in years but I have a couple of guesses!


Ahhh McSteamy!!! 🫠


She’s not mad at her father for leaving her mom. She’s heartbroken because he never fought for her. Her mom took her away and he did nothing to fight for visitation or anything. That’s the first time she’s seen him in twenty years. He abandoned her because he wasn’t brave enough and didn’t care enough about her to stay in her life. I hate Thacher.

Sacid Ve

i just love this SO much. More, More, More please! so much goodness to come!

Sherry Sink

Meredith makes the most terrible decisions when it comes to men. Especially when she's emotionally struggling with something. She and George? A terrible idea. She did not think that through.


Well Eric Dane (McSteamy) and his wife used to have threesomes…so he’s open to that Travis lol


Season 6, I'm saying. And I could never exactly say he's hotter, but he gives Sloan a run for his money for sure!


This is a terrible take. Meredith was emotionally distraught after seeing her dad for the first time in 20 years, and she wasn't even sober when George came to her room. He knew she wasn't in a great emotional state, and I'm sure he tasted alcohol when he kissed her, and yet, he chose to go through with it. He was a consenting adult man who got his feelings hurt by choosing to sleep with someone he KNEW didn't like him in that way. Of course it sucks that his feelings were hurt, but to put all the blame on Meredith is plain wrong. Of course she didn't "think it through" -- she was drunk and on the verge of a breakdown.

Melanin Ky (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-09 02:10:22 Omggg McSteamy!! its been so long I thought his first appearance was in S3! Ahh so excited <3
2023-02-07 11:26:29 Omggg McSteamy!! its been so long I thought his first appearance was in S3! Ahh so excited <3

Omggg McSteamy!! its been so long I thought his first appearance was in S3! Ahh so excited <3

Melanin Ky

Personally I think McSteamy is hotter but there are times when McDreamy can go toe to toe with Sloan lol.

Melanin Ky

Yeah this episode hit me hard with my father issues. No child should be punished &amp; treated wrong or be deprived of a father because of their quarrel towards the mother.

Tammy Miller

He is a delicious human being! I do agree! George and Meredith well I just can’t see it happening. One of the better episodes. Awesome reaction Travis!!!

Sherry Sink

I didn't say it was all Meredith's fault. As you note, George had plenty of responsibility as well, and you're absolutely right about that. I'm just saying Meredith makes terrible choices when it comes to men (and alcohol). This is a pattern with her. When she was upset about McDreamy, she got drunk and slept with random hookups whose names she couldn't even remember. (And it seems McDreamy was going to be one of those as well, until they happened to find they worked together and kept seeing one another.) And even in this case, even after the total disaster that was her and George, she didn't learn from it at all. Instead she went with what felt good, once again, by choosing to meet up with McDreamy and their dog, as "friends," like they could ever be just friends after everything they'd been through. Another foolish choice, knowing full well (this time) that he's married and planning to stay with his wife, and that it's way too complicated to try to be just friends with him when they both have feelings for one another. (And believe me, I blame Derek just as much for that, if not more, because I think he toys with Meredith's feelings a lot and shouldn't do that to her.) Yet, Meredith chooses to keep seeing Derek, and keeping that from her friends and Derek keeping that from his wife... bad choices all around. They're a mess.