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Cat King

So sometimes the recaps are MORE and sometimes they are less. I think it has to do with how much they think you need to know to get on with the episode. I think this episode is more because it is almost like part 2 of the last episode. So in terms of characters, while I almost hate him; I think I sort of love how insanely complex the writers have written Sloan. In this episode alone he goes through so much sort of inner turmoil because he thinks of Sydney as a daughter, yet he is willing to send her off and throw her into a situation he knows will only traumatise her more. It's such a villainous character and I love it. I love when Sloan says "I believe in her as if she were my own daughter" and then the look that he and Jack share as if he and Jack want to kill each other. They have this insane bond and this insane hatred that is also amazing. I mean every time I ever think of my childhood, and adulthood relationship with my parents as messed up, I can think of Syd and her relationship with Sloan and Jack and be like damn I mean it could be worse. Now, at the end of this episode, you do see that Jack is finally starting to crack a bit and show some warmth. And I cannot wait for you to see more of this story unravel. It might be my favourite thread of the whole series... and that is saying a lot. As for things to come up this season. I can't wait to learn more about Rembaldi.

Ilsuk Yang

So Jack definitely cares for Sydney. If you look carefully, when Sloane says he thinks of Sydney like a daughter (or something like that), Jack has this look, just for a second, that says I will kill you if you say that again! Jack's a guy who plays things close to his chest. Now, if I had just set free the guy who killed my fiance (I know he was conditioned to do it, but still), I would not have been as strong as Sydney was in letting that guy go to live his life! I would have attacked him instantly (and gotten my ass killed, lol) with no regard for any potential consequences. Now, I am not a violent guy, but those would extenuating circumstances! Anyways, glad you're beginning to enjoy the show more!


I'm glad you like this tv series Travis that I recommend 🙂


Been gone for a few days, only to come back to so much awesome content! This is my first stop in catching up though, of course. I love how this episode uncovers so much about the main characters and how they tick. So disturbing, yet so delicious. I'm glad you're enjoying it - it only gets juicier.