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As the baby of my family I am 100% not the favorite… so that statement isn’t always true 😂


I’m still upset about Owen’s “I’m gonna be a dad” thing… a lot of the fandom was when hearing it. He’s literally already a dad, i think I get what he meant, but he could have phrased it better than he did.

Liliana Alves

Oh thanks for the reaction, can't wait for the ones to the upcoming episodes! some of my faves coming up :D man, this ep was great, Paul's storyline with his sister made me cry the first time i watched this, phew! and yeah, the "i'm gonna be a dad" is something i still haven't forgiven owen for... the way he didn't even see the hurt he caused TK with that statement....


Yeah Owen was pretty insensitive there. I wasn't a huge fan of that Owen/Gwyn-story in general. I'd rather have the focus on other characters. Which is why I'm glad Paul and TK had huge growth this episode.

Tammy Miller

Owen definitely didn’t think before he spoke. I felt bad for TK. I loved your reaction!


I'm loving this show but ima need more TK and Carlos pleeeeeease 🥰

Ilsuk Yang

Oh yeah, Pierce really upset me in this episode. And, I agree with you 100%. Why be a paramedic if you're not going to save lives?!? And the guy who made a literal minefield around his property. As soon as I heard him say that the map was in his head, I was like he's dead and is gonna put these kids in a terrible position. If there's anything I've learned about these 911 shows, it's that the worst case scenario is gonna happen before the 118 or 126 arrive on the scene!


The fact TK was on him for months to get the thing and as soon as he finds out Gwyn is pregnant, that's what pushes him to do it?! What, your first born wasn't a good enough reason?! Jeez. Like even if he did misspeak that is so gross. Like how do you ignore your kid asking you over and over but a new baby is what makes you go through with it.