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Cat King

Nah man. Still dislike Burke

Cassandra Ryan

i looooove when alex gets personal with patients


Aww it’s this episode. The lady who played Sophie passed away a week ago today. T.R. Knight (George) had a sweet tribute on Instagram about working with her in this episode, she was 98.

Marie Almeida

This is why this show has been on for a million years. You literally love all the main characters and even some of the patient storylines. Trust me when I tell you, there will be times this show will rip your heart out and stomp on it. You are close two of the those incidences now. Episode 16 and 17 as well he as the two season finale episodes are going to smack the crap out of you. I can’t wait.

Cat King

oh dude... i have just been sitting here just waiting, knowing I'm going to BAWL my eyes out

Charissa Kay

I feel like it would be fair to double up on greys since it has twice as many seasons as anything else (and counting)

Charissa Kay

I was replying to what you said about binging. You did post about 2 or 3 consecutively the last few months, which was awesome, but I wasn't sure if that was for a boost request. If not then I guess yeah, it's posted more frequently or consecutively ... and can continue to be :DDD I'm only here for 3 shows (grey's, glee, umbrella), I've never seen any of the others (except good place) and would probably only see one of them in the future (schitts), so to me you're dwindling 😂😂😂, but I'm not complaining! Just helping justify your craving lol.

Travis Manning

That makes sense. I think I’m going to take breaks between seasons of shows other than the mainstays (glee, spn , tvd and Greys) and post at least one of those four every day and rotate other stuff. It makes sense in my head lolol

Sherry Sink

I know it's gross, but I love that hot dog eating contest between Cristina, George and Alex. And OF COURSE Cristina won. No one beats Cristina at anything, lol!

Sherry Sink

That story between George and Sophie was adorable. Just the sweetest.

Charissa Kay

Do you, it's hard to find people who don't just hate watch any of these, your genuine expressions have me dying 😂👍🏾