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ALSO guy who plays Cisco (Carlos Valdez) wrote musicals for Starkid with Darren Criss when they were in college together! It’s not only a show crossover but a personal one 😂

Monica Gomez

Grant Gustin, who plays Sebastian Smythe, also plays The Flash

Staton Chapman

I really loved this episode and teared up 2 or 3 times. I relate with beast and feeling that no one can love you

Gemma Rivera

One of my favorite eps of this season for sure. First off, Cooter...omg such a ridiculous name, but Ian Brennan (one of the creators of Glee) loves to slip ridiculous puns in there. I mean, New Directions is actually Nude Erections (Kevin and Jenna talked about it on their podcast). Second, I agree that Lea is an amazing technical singer, but there are also times when I don't feel anything emotionally when she sings. Seeing her sing along side Naya for the first time you can see the difference in their passion when they sing. The cast has said time and again that whether Naya was singing, acting, or dancing she connected with her audience and they were just automatically drawn in. Having her play Anita was genius and she is one of my absolute favorites in that role. You need to have passion and strength to play her and Naya just exudes that in spades. Plus, she has to be a strong singer, dancer, and actor and Naya was one of the true triple threats in the cast (Harry was another one). Speaking of Harry, such a heartbreaking episode for Mike...They so underutiilized him on this show.

Ilsuk Yang

Aw. I completely forgot about Beiste and Cooter (you're probably wondering what I do remember about this show, lol). Yeah, they're cute. Completely forgot Karovsky was in this episode, too. It's good to see him in a better place. I gotta remember that these guys are high schoolers (Rachel, Kurt, Finn, and the cheerios are seniors while Artie, Tina, and Blaine are juniors). For me, a bit too much drama in this episode, but, then again, I'm here for the music anyways

Annie Willow

It still pisses me off that they just blow past the fact that Brittany was raped. No one bats an eye at her “alien invasion” statement just because it’s Brittany and she says ridiculous things during uncomfortable situations as a defense mechanism.

Gemma Rivera

Karofsky's character arc and the growth throughout the series is actually one of my favorite things and that they actually did well with in this series

Gemma Rivera

Yeah, how they (writers) treat Brittany's character has always been an issue of mine. I mean last episode they had her flitting between her "normal" self believing in unicorns, leprechauns, etc. and standing up for herself to Finn. It's like whiplash for the viewer and I always feel confused about where her character stands especially in future episodes (I'll comment as we get there). I think that's why most people don't catch that line

Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, he easily could've been the "token bully" but they actually gave him good character development. I do remember one thing about what happens with his character, but I won't say anymore for Travis and anyone else who hasn't seen the show before

Nikita Hankinson

Oh wow!! I have never thought of that line like that before. I had to go back and rewatch it.


I watched exactly 1 episode of that show because Darren Criss guest starred and I love him. It was fun even without much context because it was a musical episode AND a crossover apparently with another show Super Girl which stars a girl who was also on Glee (seasons 4-5), so with her, Darren, and Grant it was a lil Glee reunion. Pretty cute.

Siobhan Linehan

This is a good episode, you're right. Much better than the last one. I hate the way Blaine acts in this episode, it feels out of character. Like the Blaine we know wouldn't be flirting with Sebastian and wouldn't try to rape Kurt. I feel like they brush over that WAY too easily, I feel like Kurt should've been more upset and angry about that. And I feel like a lot of fans let that slide too easily too, if Kurt was a girl and Blaine had tried to rape her and then stormed off I think people would be a lot more angry about it. Rape and attempted rape in gay relationships is something not talked about enough and not taken seriously enough. Imo Glee could've done a much better job at highlighting it here. But I do love Blaine and Kurt together so I'm glad they figured it out in the end. And I'm curious to see how you're going to feel about Cooter and Coach Beiste as the season progresses, their relationship has a lot of twists. 🙂