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Amber Lee

I have never seen u shocked silent before!! Wow that was crazy watching your face throughthis whole reaction!

Cat King

Okay, time to break my heart. Remember the lighting... always remember the lighting. That cup of tea... good ole Matt drugging Elena. "You about to get Rick-Rolled" That shit got me good! "If only we had met first..." This line kills me when Elena says it to Damon because as we see later in the episode they did meet first, but because of compulsion, she doesn't remember it. Aww, you trying to rationalise the Tyler/Caroline situation. Adorable. But that was really Klaus kissing Caroline. Yes. That is the same bridge. Wickery bridge. The same bridge they took the sign and made those stakes from. So Alaric's life was tied to Elena so when she died, he did as well. And when he died, Damon immediately knew something happened to Elena. Then Jeremy can see ghosts (push and pull) and so he knew something happened to Elena. So you will have to wait till next season to find out what happens to Elena after she "wakes up". But Yes Meredith Fell "helps" patients by giving them vampire blood.


Oh man the 30 seconds of stunned silence at the end! 😆 Fantastic. Can't wait for you to see what's next!


Interesting, I always thought the Tyler/Klaus swap happened somehow after Tyler collapsed in the cave, and that up until then it was really him with Caroline. But now I can't remember why I thought that or what Bonnie actually did- whoops! I'll have to wait til 4x1 to find out!

Cat King

Bonnie did it when she was alone with klaus I'm pretty sure. I'm assuming it was a spell. I knew it was klaus because of how Tyler reacts when Caroline says "Klaus is dead!" just go back and look at how is eyes go wide. You can tell klaus thinks that she is really upset that she thinks he is dead, not that she thinks Tyler is going to die.


oh boy, we getting into some fun stuff! great reaction as always!


Oh man, makes me cry and I’ve seen this like 5 times 😂😭 gets me every time.

Cat King

You can just see the wheels turning in his head 😅 I would have paid to go back and see the reaction on my own face the first time I saw it

Denise Landry

Watching you process at the end was priceless! Pretty sure I looked the same the first time I watched it! That was great! Just hold on for season 4! Oh boy. 😆


The silence was everything lol I know you take a break after the finales but please don’t lol

Meganlodon Bradicus

@S C, me too. I had just assumed that whatever went down between him and Bonnie right before he met up with Caroline, Bonnie just made him forget or something. And it never really was confirmed when exactly Klaus took over, I don't think. I guess it doesn't really matter when, but it does leave you guessing. Lol.


The silence... its exactly how I felt watching it for the very first time. ITS TOO MUCH!!!!!