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I love so much that they included the storyline with Michael and the kids and the traumatic incident with the police, and everyone's different reactions to it - including Michael's conversation with Harry. Such an important and relevant topic to highlight and from my perspective, I think the show did a good job with it.

Ilsuk Yang

So, Bosco is played by Ronda Rousey, a former UFC champion turned actress. On to more serious stuff. Each time I watch this episode, it makes my blood boil when I see Michael, May, and Harry become victims of racial profiling from the police (as well as potential police brutality). That scene made me so mad, but also frightened me about the potential for harm to those 3 or worse! Karen finding out about unviable eggs was so emotional and I thought the actress did a wonderful job (seriously, everyone is so good on this show). We see Buck having trouble dealing with his thoughtlessness about suing the government, the department, and Bobby. I was very frustrated with him throughout this episode, even though I understand where he's coming from. He didn't think about what his actions would do to the team, especially to Bobby and Eddie! I'll always love his character, though, because the kid's all heart!

Mishel Yanik

I know a lot of people think buck is hot and I’m not saying he’s not good looking, but I don’t know what it is about him that reminds me of Biff from the movie Back to the Future! Lol

Mishel Yanik

I want to go to a rage room so bad!

Natasha G

just joined to binge all your reactions to 911. And other shows, like Supernatural. But regarding " the talk" I can't personally relate to it, right now. But I have to keep that in mind, as I might want to foster kids, o adopt one. And those kids might be POC. And it's a scary world out there, sometimes. But safe transitional homes are very needed. So seeing seems about how to have the talk is always important to see.

Tammy Miller

Buck is back!!! Awesome reaction Travis!