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I love Buck but I was definitely not on board with that.

Ilsuk Yang

Ooh...I love Buck, but I was so mad at him for that ending! And Bobby is 100% correct. Being a firefighter on blood thinners is a no go! So much easier to get injured while on blood thinners, and that's if you're a normal person! Being a firefighter on blood thinners multiplies the chance for serious injuries exponentially. Yes, Buck appears fine, but, if he goes back to work while on blood thinners, the likelihood of him bleeding out is way higher than if he were completely healthy! It can't be that long since he was put on blood thinners (depending on the type of blood thinner). The main long-term blood thinner is warfarin, so he could be on that. Even if he's ready to come off the blood thinners, he would have to taper off his doses slowly as to avoid any additional complications. So, yeah, Bobby is in the right here! But I completely understand Buck wanting to get back out there. Also, Maddie was a nurse, so she probably explained all of this to him, but Buck is so headstrong that he probably didn't listen. Just something to think about. Ok, rant over! I still love Buck! Literally can't choose a favorite character 🤣🤣🤣


I love Buck and I love Bobby. I get why Bobby is saying Buck is not ready due to the blood thinners, but I also get why Buck is pissed. He feels he is ready, so he feels betrayed by one of the people he trusts most. Could he have gone about it differently? Ofc, he could, but when you are pissed you don't always think straight. I am not taking any sides here.


The birth of “Clipboard Buck”. He’s my favorite hahaha

Holley Desigio

Buck is a entitled spoiled brat in these episodes- so obsessed with thrill seeking he’s willing to put others in danger. Never really saw him the same after these episodes and knowing you’re ahead- was angry at how fast everyone forgives him for it. I’d have him transferred out after this stunt.


i'm watching with you for the first time. i think Buck thinks he is ready, but, if Bobby doesnt think so... i dunno. i think Buck is just being impatient lol

Helen Moore

I am also watching for the first time. I think Buck could be ready but he needs some trauma counseling first.

Tammy Miller

I think they both have valid points. Hopefully Buck doesn’t come to regret his decision.