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I have had some pretty silly comments in my exit surveys over the past couple days so I just wanted to take some time to address the new tiers that have rolled out and my thought process behind them (kind of redundant in a way since those people have left and ya'll are still here - and for that I am super grateful).

When I first started my first channel, Tea Time with Travis it was very concentrated on music and music reactions - I decided to grow and do some tv and movie reactions as well and then came the birth of Travis Views - because I didn't want to muddy the channels. I figured if you wanted music, you go to Tea Time, if you want VIEWING - you go to Travis Views.

I had Patreon for awhile but it was an afterthought at the beginning - obviously when the TV and movie reactions took off it had a life of its own and grew FAST. The music started taking a back seat but over the past several weeks I feel like I have begun to rectify that and include more jams.

At the beginning of Patreon I had two basic tiers -

Silver ($5) and Gold ($10)

When I started doing the TV shows and Movies there were just a few so everything was included under Silver-  I then kept adding more titles so I had Gold be the all inclusive for all content.  Things started getting confusing because really there wasn't much justification behind why something would be in the Gold category and not Silver other than the fact that it was a 'newer' title to my catalogue of reactions.

To streamline the process I decided to make tiers dedicated to the three major categories covered on this channel so that when you join, you know what you are getting. You want music - cool! There's a tier for that! Oh, you want Glee and The Vampire Diaries ? Awesome - TV tier! And if you want access to EVERYTHING, there's even a tier for that.

Some people caused a stink because they joined at $5 for Supernatural for instance and now to watch the 15 seasons of Supernatural that I will eventually cover it will now be $10.

The justification behind that is because there's more content accessible on the new tiers.  There are shows that weren't viewable here on the previous tier. I don't know what each person is watching. I don't know what they like and don't like unless I ask continuously like I do so that I can gauge the audience.

It comes down to this - the tiers have more content in them, so there is a bump in price.  I LOVE doing this.  I feel like I finally am doing something that I enjoy doing - but it is extremely time consuming and expensive. I continue to always upgrade my equipment and strive to do better.  I have to pay websites to host these videos which costs me in the hundreds per month.

It hurts my heart reading some of the things that people say because Im trying to make this make sense for me financially. Sometimes I spend 16 hours a day filming, editing, responding, making thumbnails etc. and THEN I have to still make content for YouTube and get kicked over there because I don't do it 'fast enough'.  ESPECIALLY when I have been told by several people that belong to other content creator's Patreons that I post way more content than most of them.

I love ya'll. I love doing this. In no way am I trying to complain about the way things are going - I'm cool with it.

I just wanted to clear some things up with ya'll, explain where my head is with these decisions, and keep it movin!

Thanks for reading this thesis statement - now Im going to go watch Lucie 😈



Nicky Bomberry

You do the work, you should be paid accordingly. And people are right you do put out THE MOST content on any patreon I follow. Hell I pay the same for PTX and let’s be honest they don’t post squat lol.


Off topic. Everytime I read your post I have to do it with the heaviest country accent idk why but I love it

Kelley Coudriet

I am so sorry for the negative comments. Your content always brightens my day and week! Yes, I will only be able to do the all access tv tier but that is what I mostly watch anyway. Keep doing what you love because it shows!❤

Wendy Alvarado

You are still the only creator I support on patreon (at one time thought about supporting Home Free or Voiceplay) I don't watch all the shows you react to but I will "listen" while working on YouTube for you to get the views/ads and I binge watch the shows I like on the weekends. And sorry if the movies I ask you to react to are harder to find (I'm an old fart and like to see a younger perspective of the movies from my "glory days" lol)


I am new here. I joined because of Glee but then I started watching your Supernatural videos. You gave me a reason to give the show another chance. I am sorry people have been leaving negative comments. Your tiers make sense to me and I think the prices are more then fair considering all the work you put into your videos. Thank you for all the great content.

John buchanan

I joined for supernatural myself…. But then you started watching or I noticed were watching a lot of other shows I like. Then some movies as well. Just keep it up man and do you, ignore the haters.


Your tiers make sense to me honestly? My tier is the movie access and I followed others creators before, if I compare, you have the same price as they do but i'm really happy because I joined for 1 show and now i'm watching 2 or 3 others, you are watching shows that I really like or wanted to see not to add, i'm so surprised how frequent are the uploads. The prices make sense and i don't get the comments. I don't regret subscribing. I'm thankful for all the hardwork you put and the amazing content you give us


Honestly you should do what makes sense for you and in a way that allows you to be able to maintain your schedule in a healthy manner.

Hannah Lynn

I'm sorry if one of the people that upset you was me. it was more out of confusion on my end, and I apologize for making it seem like I was angry. my dad died this month & i was having money confusion but I didn't want to lose my "movie company" as I call you, and there was stress & confusion about tiers & pricing. living alone, I want to thank you so very much for the content you put out, as it's helping me cope with my loss to have someone to watch things with, now that both my parents are gone. Your content means a lot & I wish I could give you thousands for what you do. so thanks.

Travis Manning

Not you at all. I feel like we quickly cleared that up. I am SO sorry about your dad. I’ll be thinking of you ! 💜


Thanks, Travis. You do you, man. Haters gonna hate and some people are never satisfied. Some woman on Home Free's patreon was saying she was going to quit because she didn't get enough for her 2 dollar a month contribution! Really? You gotta do things how they work for you man. People that love what you do will stay. I joined because you are doing HF's album. I know you will love it. Keep on keeping on we love what you do.


the way you do it makes so much sense!!! I’ve thought that since I joined, I really enjoy your patreon and the way you have things set up and I’m sorry not everyone agrees. you work really hard and it shows! and you’re very right - I’ve never seen a creator post so much and make it so worth it so I don’t know why they complain. thank you for being you and doing what you love!!