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Sherry Sink

I remember not being very happy with Dan when I saw this episode. He had a bit of an attitude with Chloe: "FOR NOW, how can I help?" -- like she shouldn't be mad at him and "for now" like as soon as he gets his old job back, he's not going to be helpful to her with cases? And he's whining about being demoted and being suspended for only TWO DAYS? That's it? For stealing evidence that was used in murders? For shooting another cop? For lying about it for months and letting Chloe take the fall for it as if she were crazy about the whole case? I don't mind him not going to jail, that would have been terrible for poor Trixie, but they could have started the show after at least a month or a few weeks, or kept Dan off the show for an episode or two, so that Dan could have had a longer suspension. It doesn't seem like enough after what he put Chloe through. And he's got the nerve to whine about get demoted? Poor baby. (Lol.)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Everything's Coming Up Lucifer- Yahoo!! We're now into season two, and I am so, so excited! Thank you so much for another great reaction for Lucifer, Travis! I love how well Lucifer's inner turmoil we see him struggle with and to express throughout this episode, connects so well with this case. Once again... marvelous writing! My favorite storyline throughout this episode shows the parallels between Lucifer's feelings towards his mother and the mother figure who turns out to be the poor girl's killer. This is definitely a great episode to start off a new season with. It definitely answers some questions, yet brings to our minds new questions as well, and it's amazing. Yes... Lucifer's singing is marvelous, and I'm always so excited for more of his performances!!!! :) What a phenomenal singer Lucifer is... and it's all thanks to Tom Ellis. His voice is phenomenal. I absolutely love it! And I do really love the song he sings in the end of this episode titled... All Along the Watchtower. I know it's sung by Jimi Hendrix, but I didn't really know this song very well until Tom Ellis sings it here in this episode of Lucifer. But I love this song!! And while Tom doesn't actually play the piano onscreen as well as his character does like we're led to believe, he's been learning how to play the piano professionally so that he can actually become good at doing so, and maybe be the one seen playing in later seasons, not the hands of his stand in. Maybe eventually he will be able to be the one actually playing for himself, if he hasn't started playing for himself already. I love this about him!! And as for the music Lucifer sings and plays... most of the songs are a reference of some kind to himself... to the Devil, or to Hell, which I think is fantastic too. I absolutely love the music throughout this entire series sung by Tom Ellis, and if there is ever a CD available to buy with all of his songs, I would definitely buy it. In regards to whether or not Lucifer's mom is actually mentioned in the Bible, and if Her story in Lucifer is based on any real information about Her... the truth is that She isn't at all mentioned in the Bible whatsoever, and there aren't any facts or knowledge out there that proves whether or not Lucifer he actually has a mother. The reasons I was told when I was young for the absence of Her existence within the Bible or in any other context, is done out of protection of Her. So that no one can take Her name in vain or blame her for our pain and suffering like we humans do with God. Now... some of the big sets within the show have now changed because this show has been given bigger budget, and they've moved from filming in Vancouver, Canada... to being able to finally film in Los Angeles like they've wanted to be able to do since they began filming season one, yet couldn't do so until season two. Mainly the police precinct, as well as Lucifer's penthouse have been changed, and I really love the changes, especially in Lucifer's penthouse. Like the lights hanging down from the ceiling on what appears to be a tree that I suspect Lucifer created as a representation of the tree within the Garden of Eden from which Lucifer tempted Eve to take an apple from before he was cast out of Heaven. Just fantastic! :) Now, as for this episode itself... I really like it overall. It's not one of my favorites, but I love how this episode focuses so much on Lucifer's relationship with his mother, and his fear of Her. I love that while Lucifer keeps up a mask of anger and even hatred for Her, we also get to see his pain from him being having been abandoned by Her, and upon hearing that when he was cast out of Heaven and into Hell by his father, She never lifted a finger to protect him. Which leads to Lucifer never lifting a finger to help her when God cast her down into Hell to become one of Lucifer's prisoners for reasons yet to be explained. I certainly can't blame Lucifer for being so hurt by his mother's actions because no matter what he's done, like any child... he certainly didn't deserve to be shunned and ignored by Her. And now that She's escaped Hell, I can certainly understand his fear too. Now She's finally found him as She arrives at his home so... what is She gonna do? I'm excited for you to see all that's to come! :) My favorite moment throughout this episode is the ending between Lucifer and Chloe, when she tells Lucifer that no matter how crazy or not crazy he may appear to be with his so called Devil persona he's built up for himself like Amenadiel attempted to get her to believe, she still believes wholeheartedly that he makes her a better detective because he allows for her to see the crimes and evidence in a way no one else can. And it's true. They both help each other in ways no one else can or have ever been able to. And this is why I feel Chloe simply throws away Lucifer's blood in the end too. Because I too feel that she's afraid of finding out the truth, but for more than just one reason. If Lucifer is proven to really be the Devil, she would certainly be afraid of him. And if he is proven to be just crazy, then she might feel the need to turn him into the psych ward. However, she doesn't do so because she wants to keep working with Lucifer and because she cares about him. I believe that Chloe chooses to remain oblivious to the truth, because deep down... she doesn't want to know it any longer. She's in denial, but she also mostly wants to protect him. And I absolutely love it!! :) And I feel that Lucifer feels the same way about Chloe too. He absolutely wants to protect her and to remain her partner and close friend. And while a part of him wants her to know the full truth about him because I suspect he wants to show someone he deeply cares about to know that he, or the Devil, isn't all evil like the world and all of humanity believe about him and because he doesn't want Chloe to feel like he's keeping any secrets from her even though he never has, I feel that he is mostly afraid of showing Chloe his Devil face because he doesn't want to scare her like his Devil face scares everyone he has ever shown it to. So much so, that she would be afraid of him and run away. This would break his heart, because Lucifer needs Chloe in his life and longs to be her friend above everyone else. As for Chloe's joke about the guy refusing to turn his brother in because he needs the eggs... a chicken provides eggs and according to the story, so does the brother somehow because he believes he is a chicken himself. And if the guy were to turn his brother into the mental hospital, then he would lose the eggs. Chloe is comparing Lucifer to the chicken, because he helps her more than he's hurting her and she doesn't want to lose him. Hence... she needs the eggs. And I love that while Lucifer is grateful to Chloe for feeling this way about him even though he's confused by the meaning of her joke, I love that her words also help him to realize what Linda has been trying to help him understand throughout the episode too. That he needs to understand when he's at fault and that his problems aren't always caused by everyone else. I am happy that he finally returns to Linda to apologize for blaming his problems on her and everyone else when he too is partly to blame, and to thank her for continuing to help him. Now... I love the moment Lucifer realizes who the real killer is and how he suddenly becomes so angry that his eyes glow red in and out like they do upon feeling the same rage he felt towards his mother for hurting him since this killer, Roberta... did the same to the innocent girl who was like a daughter to her too, then how he leaves to confront the woman on his own. Unfortunately, Chloe arrives just as this enraged killer suddenly attacks him, giving us a hilarious fight as Lucifer struggles to keep himself from getting killed. And I love it when Lucifer then pulls the trigger on the stun gun to electrocute the woman as well as he walks past Chloe to leave the house. I love Chloe's reaction to this as well. So hilarious. Another of my favorite moments is when Lucifer and Chloe seek out the possible killer at the drug addicts anonymous meeting, as Lucifer stands up before the addicts to try to lure out the killer, starting off by talking about how much he loves drugs, until he then grows somber and begins to talk about his pain upon being abandoned by his mother, and wanting to understand why she left him. I also really love how Chloe sees his despair in his eyes while he's talking and expresses to him that she's impressed by his willingness to open up about what pains him so deeply. I love the look in her eyes as she listens to him speaking, as well as the pain in his eyes while he's talking too. Next... I really like that Maze left both Lucifer and Amenadiel for a short time in order to try to figure out her own life now that she's begun to accept Los Angeles is her home now, since Lucifer has no intention of ever returning to Hell. Like Lucifer, Maze is also a punisher and doesn't understand human emotion. So, I love how it's revealed in the end that she has been going to see Linda like Lucifer has so she too can try to understand the world and how she can fit into it. And I love seeing that they've become good friends. As for Amenadiel and his own struggles throughout this episode with his powers... there's more to be revealed later on that will help us to understand what's happening to him. But he's definitely struggling. And this is the first time his powers have become wonky such as they have. And lastly... I love that we have a second new character brought into the show outside of Lucifer's Mum this season. Ella Lopez is adorable, perky, super smart, and so sweet. It's also fantastic that she quickly believes that Lucifer is a method actor because he refers to himself as the Devil, when others just see him as crazy or extremely eccentric. I just really love her character, and the kind of faith she has in God and her beliefs of the Devil. Also... I love that she's the team's forensics scientist too, and not just another detective. Oh, and regarding the item in Lucifer's Mum's hand when she appears in the end... The item in Mum's hand will be revealed in the next episode, so don't worry about it. Overall... this episode is great! I love how Lucifer and Amenadiel are now working together to find their mother and that they've begun to act more as wayward brothers struggling to become close with one another. Also... I love that in spite of Amenadiel's warning to him about a piece of their divinity falling into human hands, Lucifer is still trying to convince Chloe that he's the Devil and keeps on telling her to test his blood. And he's certainly not giving up on trying to convince her that he really is the Devil. Lucifer definitely wants Chloe to believe him about who he really is. In spite of Amenadiel's warnings. Lucifer deeply wants Chloe to believe in him, and to trust in him completely, while also seeing the truth about him in the hope that someone will one day come to see that the Devil isn't all evil like the entire world believes him to be. I can't wait for more Lucifer reactions from you like always, my dear friend!!! So, until next time... Sincerely, Heidi


Introducing Mom, played by Tricia Helfer, who you may recognize as the actress who played Number Six from Battlestar Galactica (2004), one of my favourite shows (which you should react to, by the way). Lucifer plays "All Along The Watchtower" at the end of the episode, which is a tribute to Battlestar Galactica since that song is featured in that series. Reportedly, Tom Ellis was always a fan of Tricia Helfer, and was very happy when she appeared on his show.

Ilsuk Yang

Yay! You finally met my favorite character, Ella! Fun fact, Tom Ellis, Lauren German, and Aimee Garcia (Ella) are all the same age (born in November 1978)

Celia Fox

Welcome to season 2 and it's a cracker! Great new characters . plot lines and lots of fun and drama...oh the drama! Ella, one of the new characters is so bright and cheery isn't she? I think you will get to love her too. I am so looking forward to your impressions of Mama Morningstar too. Many Lucifans still think of season 2 as one of the best. The writers really are beginning to explore more into characters and the Lucifer mythology now. It is quite a turbulent rollercoaster and i am really happy to be sharing it again through your eyes. I love your fanboying (is that a word?) over Maze, Luci and Chloe. Your reactions and facial expressions make me smile so much. I laughed when you said 'What's with the hug?' when Ella hugged Lucifer- you have no idea yet but Ella is a fan favourite too,

Nikita Hankinson

Yay!!!! Ella is finally here!! Looking forward to season 2!!

Amye Sabin

1) it's not a spoiler. It's a gimmick. he has nothing to do with the plot.<p></p> <p>2) I already told him about the character previously.</p>

Ilsuk Yang

Still a spoiler

Steven Jump

Ella Lopez!! Like others have said your gonna love her!

Steven Jump

While I love all the seasons of Lucifer, I would have to say season 3 is the low point for me. Mainly the overall main plot I didn't care for.

D Boss

This episode doesn't show up on the Lucifer playlist and not in a search either! I thought you skipped a week when 2x2 showed up.... Had to manually scroll down to find this.