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Sherry Sink

I forgot how fun the first season is! It's been years since I watched this show, but I used to have discussions with people about it each week over on the Television Without Pity forums and it was great dissecting all Michael's plans and his tattoos and the craziness of it all. I love that blueprint hidden in the designs of his tattoos. It's clever. And I like how smart he is. Definitely can see that he's planning this out like a chess game, as much as possible. But can he plan what goes on in a prison?! Hmmmmmmm... can't plan everything, Michael! One thing I'll tell ya, I wouldn't mind giving Michael Scofield a conjugal. ;) Seriously, those are some pretty pretty eyes. If memory serves, Wentworth Miller decided not to work out a ton ahead of time, even though he'd be showing off all those tattoos all over his torso all the time on camera, because he said his character wouldn't have had time to obsess about weight or working out, being a structural engineer. I thought that was an interesting take! (Especially amidst the usual pressures of actors feeling like they have to look super buff or fit if they're going to have their shirt off.)


Oh I love this show, especially the first season. Its been so long since I watched it. And so many familiar faces from other show along the way too! Looking forward to more of these episodes.


Omg, I've been a subscriber for a few months and am only realizing now that you reacted to some PB episodes!!!! So excited, yes yes yes!

Amanda M

Haha nice . 6 seasons


that was pretty good! i'd love to see more :)

Ilsuk Yang

I watched this over 10 years ago and forgot that there are so many actors I've seen before in this! You should definitely keep going with this show! Seems like you were into it


Ahhhh. My first binge show!! Can't wait to rewatch

Angelina Sargent

This series was brilliant. I'm so glad you started this one. Your face when you saw the blue prints... it gets better every season. Also hearing terri Schuster mention the immaculate conception was so funny.


Please keep watching this ´cause I haven´t seen this and I would love to watch this with you :D


Very intriguing! Never heard of this show before. Lots of well known actors too. If you watch, I’ll be watching with you👍🏻. Some prisons and some prisoners are allowed conjugal visits. They have trailers set up for privacy. Don’t know if it’s just federal prison or not. And inmates in for some crimes are not allowed to see “loved ones”.


Yess! I really hope you continue. :)

Tammy Miller

Yes keep on going with this one!