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Nicky Bomberry

I’m new to the show and love reading these little tidbits from those of you who have loved the show for years!


I'm 1000% sure this has been asked and answered but I honestly can't be f*cked looking for the answer soz hun. Do you do other socials like insta or am I daft as a dumb spider? 😂


Agree, the acting is so good!! Loved your reaction 💗


Jared actually hurt his hand while filming the fight at the end. They had to write it into the show since he would need a cast for a few months irl. I think there were only two times that Jared has had to have an injury written into a show.

Amye Sabin

Jared and Jensen consider themselves "real" brothers. They are extremely close, and at one point had houses on the same street.<p></p> <p>In the fandom, Jensen's ability to cry like that has lead to a saying: A Single Man Tear. He's very good at these scenes. </p>


I have watched every one of the 327 eps so many times that I say lines of dialogue before the actors. What I wish I could have was the feeling of seeing these for the first time!! That’s why I so enjoy watching reactions to them- as close as I’ll get- experiencing them the first time with you. You were great with this one. Laugh with you. Chuckle when you are surprised- expressions on your face- commentary- your appreciation for all of it… Big thanks!! Did u notice the way Sam picked up the shovel and then said “I think she broke my hand” He then opened&amp;closed the car door with his left. Dean’s line “You’re just too fragile” He’ll be casted for nxt few eps. Everyone on set was always amazed when that one tear slipped down Jensen’s face at the perfect moment. All real acting and feeling. He never had to use artificial means to cry- and it breaks my heart every time. Moving on to nxt eps now 👍🏻😊


J2 actually lived in the same house for awhile in Vancouver.

Amye Sabin

True. I was thinking about their homes in Austin w/their wives &amp; kids, and should've clarified. Thanx!

Suzy Differ

They are so close in real life. You should see them together in real life they are hysterical the way they feed off of each other. And as for Jensen crying OMG that single tear down his cheeck is heartbreaking.

Mitchell Waldrep

When Dean said he was Alan Stanwick, I swear I had heard that name before. He was a character played by Tim Matheson on the movie Fletch with Chevy Chase from the 80s and it's a hilarious movie.

Mitchell Waldrep

Here's a link to the movie trailer of Fletch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sMMt2M3RiU