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Ilsuk Yang

I knew she was going to do that and yet, I still feel betrayed! And that tapeworm scene, no thanks! I bet the boyfriend/roommate (he's the Doctor in Firefly) felt bad for not taking him seriously. It actually reminds me of when my mom had a heart attack. She thought it was just heartburn and didn't want to call an ambulance, but my dad and I overruled her and it's a good thing we did! And yay for Abby and Buck!

Jeanette Dawe

your face during the whole birthing scene was hilarious lol


LMAO the tapeworm thing is a good storyline but wouldn't come out like that. Tapeworms break off and each segment is about the length of a grain of rice and contains eggs. Those are what you would see exiting and they do not live long at all once expelled from the body, unless they find a host or soil. They would give him an anti parasitic medication to pass it. It is very common in vet medicine due to ingesting fleas during grooming. I know, you REALLY wanted to know this info. 😆


i can confirm people are weirder than normal during a full moon, working at an answering service for over 20 years. lol


also...the moon is from an asteroid hitting the earth? that's the stupidest thing i ever heard. how is it perfectly round? smh


The only reason I know about the moon thing is because of “the history of the entire world, I think”. I’m not sure if it was a piece of asteroid or a piece of earth that became the moon, but I know that it’s true.


the moon is spherical for the same reason most planets/ large masses in space are which is due to gravitational attraction. The moon is actually egg shaped with one bulging side pointed towards earth and the other farside due to tidal forces, so it's not perfectly round. I'm a college student and actually just learned this in an astronomy class last week so it's funny that I'm watching this episode now and saw your comment LOL

Tammy Miller

Another great episode!