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Easily one of my favorite episodes! Colman Domingo has a velvet voice, dang!

Sherry Sink

Definitely one of my favorites from Season 1, probably in my top 5. I love the complexity of Lucifer struggling with the fact that he actually liked Father Frank, even if he didn't want to. I loved their conversations, and especially loved their playing the piano together (which was really sweet). It's a shame they couldn't keep the character alive -- I think he would have been a very interesting person for Lucifer to talk with every once in a while, especially about his "Father." One of my favorite lines is when Frank says God has a plan, and Lucifer says, "Yes, I know. But why does everyone think it's a GOOD plan?" And then how it comes back around to that same question when Frank says he thought God put Lucifer in Frank's path to help him, but perhaps it was the other way around -- that God put Frank in Lucifer's path for a reason. So interesting. Even if Lucifer hated the idea. I think my favorite scene is after Father Frank is killed, and Lucifer goes out on his balcony and rails at God, saying "You lose either way, so what's the bloody point?!" I really felt for him in that moment. I love seeing the development of his character through this particular storyline. I thought it was well written. And ending with Lucifer and Chloe playing the piano together? Lovely. :)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

A Priest Walks Into a Bar- Thank you very much for a marvelous reaction, for another phenomenal episode of Lucifer that I love very much, Travis!!! I really appreciate you for continuing to watch this show. And I am so happy to hear that you are continuing to absolutely love Lucifer! So, thank you! :) This is definitely one of my favorite episodes within season one. As well as throughout the entire show. Seeing Lucifer's vulnerability for the first time, is really incredible and beautiful. And I absolutely love the dynamic and growing friendship between Lucifer and Father Frank, and although tragic... I especially love seeing Lucifer take it so hard upon Frank dying in his arms in the end. Because for the first time aside from Chloe, given that he's unsure of where they stand with one another, Lucifer has found someone who actually wants to be his friend. And over a short time, he has come to realize he wants to be Frank's friend in return upon discovering just how terribly lonely he's really been all this time in his session with Linda. I absolutely love seeing this vulnerable side to Lucifer, especially since he is the Devil and not known to people to have any sense of emotions, loneliness, and the need for friendship. All of this makes Frank's death that much more heartbreaking. And it's because of Lucifer's reaction to his death that causes me to cry, more so than even seeing Frank die as sad as his death is. Lucifer has never known how it feels to have a friend and by the end... Frank was truly someone he had grown to care for. Frank had become his first friend, not fully understanding until the ending that Chloe already considers him a friend to her and that she wants him to think of her as a friend as well. And this episode's ending is absolutely phenomenal! I love how Chloe's and Lucifer's case spins so out of control as it suddenly becomes terrifying when Connor is seen by Chloe and Lucifer being tempted by the drug dealer known as the Spider to kill Father Frank, only for the Spider to kill Frank instead after Connor refuses to, then as Lucifer once again loses control after his anger rises when he attacks Frank's killer. I absolutely love seeing Lucifer's inner battle with himself as he struggles so deeply with fighting for control over his emotions. Pure rage and hatred for the Spider, to his heartbreak caused by the loss of his first real friend before he comes to understand that Chloe thinks of him as a friend as well. Thankfully, Chloe is once again there to pull Lucifer back from the edge and is able to save him from making a terrible mistake he would later come to regret if he had killed the Spider. I absolutely love seeing Lucifer come to the brink of losing himself to his seething anger, until Chloe brings him back down to save him because she cares about him so much. This storyline for Lucifer really shows a strong and emotional growth in Lucifer's character, and I absolutely love all of it! :) It's strange how Chloe never questions how it is that Lucifer is able to lift the Spider, who is so much bigger than him, off the ground and force him back against the wall so easily. Especially with one arm no less. Lucifer does things like this all the time, and while Chloe initially started questioning the strangeness about Lucifer before, she stopped doing so since she shot him and saw him bleed in episode four... Manly Whatnots. And now she appears to be in such deep denial about Lucifer's "Luciferness". Although, it's true that we all come to be in denial over things in life we can't possibly understand. But Lucifer still does things that no human can possibly do, even through adrenaline. Chances are, adrenaline from him being so angry is maybe how Chloe is able to play everything off in her mind so that his actions make sense in the only way she can accept them, as would anyone else who might witness Lucifer do things so seemingly miraculous. But back to the storyline... I also really love the moment when Lucifer and Father Frank play Lucifer's piano together. Some of the music throughout this episode is really great, as we see and hear Frank start to play Knocking on Heaven's Door, which is the same song Lucifer also later plays in the end as well because he's struggling to come to terms with Frank's death. It is just so wonderful seeing Lucifer's change in attitude towards Frank as their scenes together continue on. And the piano talent... fabulous! Tom Ellis doesn't play the piano for himself in these first few seasons, but Tom has been learning the piano over the years and he's grown really amazing at it by now. And I do believe he does actually come to play for himself in later seasons, which is fantastic! And then... another of my absolute favorite moments is also towards the end, when Lucifer talks with God as he's staring up at the sky, having grown angry with his father for allowing Frank to die because he can't understand God's plans. Not for Frank and most certainly not for him. This moment for Lucifer is heartbreaking. This is something everyone can understand and really relate to, as I do all the time. Since we all struggle to understand God's plans for us during the difficult times in our lives. Especially with all the chaos going on in the world today. And I really feel like this is another one of the biggest reasons why I love this episode so much. Because I absolutely understand how Lucifer feels towards God during these hard times. I love God, and I believe in him wholeheartedly, but I struggle very deeply with depression and with believing in myself, and I can see this in Lucifer throughout this episode and the series, which is why I love it so much. I definitely struggle everyday with my own troubles like everyone does, and so I really appreciate that this show brings about this kind of emotion into such a sensitive storyline. Especially for Lucifer, who isn't a character known for possibly be able to feel this way. It's really, really beautiful, and I love, love, love Tom Ellis' portrayal of Lucifer all the more for his talent to be able to show so much emotion. You can see such pain and emotions in his eyes as he's holding the killer by his throat against the wall, and you can definitely hear it in the breaking of his voice as well. Another of my favorite moments... I really love the moment in the end between Lucifer and Chloe as well, when she comes back to LUX in order to comfort him after seeing him so deeply shaken by Frank's death. That she comes as a friend to comfort him and that Chloe lets him know that she is his friend too, when Lucifer has never had a real friend until now. I also love how Chloe cancels her date with Dan to go over to LUX's to be there for Lucifer when she understands he needs her more. This moment between them is so sweet, and I love it when they play Heart and Souls together on his piano. So adorable! I absolutely love the possibility of them coming together romantically. But for now... I love, love, love their friendship. :) As for the whole Malcolm, Amenadiel, and Dan storyline... it's most definitely intriguing, and I really feel badly for Dan too, even though he has definitely made some really bad mistakes by working with Malcolm... both now and back during the days before the incident on Palmetto Street. I most certainly do not condone his actions or excuse him because I feel bad for him. He has definitely put himself in this position he's trapped in now. However, we do learn that Dan's mistakes come from him looking the other way a few times while Malcolm and his former partner, Paolucci acted corruptly. That he wasn't doing the corruption, just ignoring it. Which isn't good, but it's better than Dan being straight up a killer or anything else. And then... it's revealed that Dan shot Malcolm more so to protect Chloe when he saw that Malcolm was going to kill her, than him having killed him to protect himself. I really appreciate that about Dan, and it makes me, not only feel bad for him, but like him all the more than I did before this episode. He isn't evil. He's just struggling to find it in himself to do the right thing in regards to his mistakes. I'm certainly not trying to justify his actions by any means, because Dan is absolutely doing bad things. But I understand that he is in a tough spot with Malcolm. Dan is definitely a character who some people like and some people just hate. For me... I like him because there's intrigue in his character, and while we know he is a corrupt cop, you can still see he regrets his decisions. And I do appreciate this about him. However, I definitely don't care for his efforts to try to rekindle his relationship with Chloe. Dan is doing bad things, and therefore... of course I don't want to see Chloe get back together with him. Even if Dan wasn't a dirty cop, I still don't wish to see them back together again. Especially because like you, I absolutely love the relationship growing stronger between Chloe and Lucifer. And if I wish to see her get together with anyone romantically, it's absolutely with Lucifer. :) In regards to why Dan might not have said anything to anyone back at the time he shot Malcolm in spite of him doing so in order to protect Chloe... I suspect that Dan was afraid of being found out of being a corrupt cop. And he was. In this episode, he talks to Malcolm about looking away from some of the crimes and infractions that Malcolm, Paolucci, and possible other corrupt cops a few times while Malcolm and his partner he had killed in the previous episode did some bad things. Drug deals, etc... And Dan had followed Malcolm to Palmetto Street, because like Malcolm mentions to Dan in this episode, Dan's conscience was beginning to get the better of him and I suspect that Dan might have been considering killing Malcolm to stop him from continuing to hurt people. I believe Dan was just afraid that the cops would suspect him of being just as corrupt as Malcolm and Paolucci, and would have discovered they were right if they had looked into Dan's own misdeeds. So, I suspect that Dan stayed silent then in order to protect himself. To keep them from looking into why he was even at Palmetto in the first place, in spite of doing a good thing by protecting Chloe. I hope this all makes sense. As for Amenadiel and his actions... Amenadiel is an angel, and therefore in his own eyes, he is the epitome of good. He is all righteous. But that's just it... while Amenadiel should act as what we believe to be good, in his eyes... his actions are righteous because he believes it is God's command to him to bring Lucifer back to Hell. And in his eyes, Lucifer is the epitome of evil. So, he believes he is doing God's will, even though he's doing bad things such as hiring an evil human he has brought back from Hell solely for the purpose of having Malcolm kill his own brother. To Amenadiel, his actions are justified and are righteous. So wrong! And I feel so sad for Lucifer because we know that even though he is the Devil, there is so much more good in him than especially he can even begin to understand. Which is why Lucifer struggles so much with his father's so called plan for him. He hates torturing people, and he hates Hell. And yet it was his job that had been forced upon him by his father when God sent his son to Hell. Lucifer isn't evil by any means. And while I am also intrigued by Amenadiel's deal he's made with Malcolm to have him kill Lucifer... I am so very angry with him to for plotting to kill his own brother. He's certainly not your typical angel you would expect him to be, but that's also what I love about him too. And you might know from watching other shows and movies too, that angels aren't always the beautiful, always good celestial beings we want to believe they are, but that they can be more the warriors of God, and that they're not always very nice. Also... I love how it's revealed that Malcolm had only physically been in Hell for about thirty seconds as he was dying upon being taken off of life support until Amenadiel brings him back, but that it felt to Malcolm like he had been trapped in Hell for more like thirty years. Really brilliant!! Another big revelation that is beautiful and so important... I love the moment when Frank reveals to Lucifer just before he dies, that he knows Lucifer is really the Devil, and seeing Lucifer's shock upon realizing that Frank still cared about him and was his friend in spite of Frank truly knowing he's the Devil. Absolutely fantastic! What a phenomenal revelation, that makes Lucifer care for Frank all the more for being his friend in spite of Frank knowing he is the Devil and supposed monster that the world believes him to be. And lastly... the scene where Lucifer enters the confessional to speak with the confessing woman he suddenly becomes attracted to while pretending to be a priest, is hilarious. I especially love the moment he tells her to drink ten bloody Mary's and to have a good shag. Not good advice, but still hilarious just the same. However, I love this scene too... because it shows Lucifer doing something known to be in the true Devil's nature like he jokes to Chloe about when he states that temptation is in his nature. As it's talked about him being a tempter in the Bible and in all religions. This moment shows Lucifer drawing a woman into temptation, just as he did with Eve in the Garden of Eden, and as he's done for all of his existence. It's brilliant! I always love when this show brings in real facts and/or knowledge about the true Devil in some way or another. Overall... this episode is absolutely phenomenal!! I love Lucifer's struggles to understand how Frank could believe in God so much in spite of losing his daughter. And more so... I love that Lucifer struggles so much with it, because he can't understand his father's plans for him because of his pain. The very pain we see in Lucifer's face and in his eyes that he must have felt when God cast him out of Heaven and forced him down into Hell, therefore making him the Devil and blamed for all of humanity's sins. It's really tragic, yet beautiful to see through a character like Lucifer. Like I said above... Tom Ellis is absolutely phenomenal as Lucifer Morningstar!! I absolutely love him! Thank you very much once again, Travis! This is a fabulous reaction, and I am so, so happy you're loving this incredible show and Lucifer himself like I love Lucifer too!!! And I am so, so excited for more Lucifer reactions from you like always. Until your next reactions, my dear friend... Stay healthy, and be happy! :) Sincerely, Heidi


When Father Frank was first in Lucifer's penthouse, he played "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" on the piano. At the end of the episode, Lucifer played it.

Ilsuk Yang

Ah yes, Lucifer's complexities are coming out more and more for you to see, Travis! I forgot how hard this episode hits you! That "Heart and Soul" scene with Lucifer and Chloe is adorable

D Boss

So, who really is the devil and who is the Angel? Looks like Amenadiel is brewing up some evil of his own. (well they are both Angels, just one is purportedly fallen and the other supposedly righteous - hmmm)

Celia Fox

Fantastic episode and definitely a fan favourite. Amenadiel is falling down his own hell hole now really, isn't he? He is using a human to end his brother, knowing he has -to quote Luci- a bit of a mortality sitch! If Luci is 'killed' he will be cast back to hell as Amenadiel believes, where he belongs and and without his wings Luci cannot fly back out of Hell. Oh Amenadiel...you are right, Travis, he should stop and think and care about his brother but all he cares about his sending him back to hell because he thinks that is what God wants...but is it? Are you intrigued even more now where this story is going? I agree, Chloe and Luci are adorable and have a connection even if neither really know where the relationship should and could go for after all, Chloe is still a detective, single parent needing to protect her little girl, always trying to do what is right and Luci is a sexually prolific, hedonistic nightclub owner...oh and the devil! Should they, could they, will they ever be more than just work colleagues and now friends? Will Amenadiel sort himself out and act in a more angelic way? Will Dr Linda continue to be able to help Luci understand all the human emotions he is struggling to understand now he is on earth? Will Dan manage to extricate himself from Malcolm or will he become that bad cop again? Will Malcolm manage to carry out Amenadiel's task for him? Will Luci ever forgive Maze for betraying him? So many questions and all will be answered some quickly, some more slowly and some a real slow burn of a story but worth every single minute of every episode. You are making this re-watch so much fun with your reactions so thank you.