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I have an idea for deciding which show i will introduce next. I am going to watch the first episode of the three shows that get the highest amount of votes (on youtube and my patreon). 

I will upload all 3 shows at the same time and see their performance for a week (youtube views/engagement and Patreon sign ups). 

This should be fun! What should be next? 



Shadowhunters is one of those shows I really want to love, but struggle to watch. It’s based on a book series that I love, but isn’t a very good adaptation of it. It strays a lot more than it should from the source material. On top of that, the writing and acting aren’t very good in my opinion…I might still watch your reactions but there are better shows out there. I’m hoping one day there will be a better adaptation maybe with the author of the books involved


So as someone who has watched most of these. These are all great. I voted for shadow hunters because it's a show I'm addicted to and will watch over and over but I actually really enjoyed Grimm. It was dark and weird in all the best ways.

Angelina Sargent

These all suck. Lol I don't even want to vote.

Wega Bratsch

Hannibal is awesome. The cinematography is great and the whole vibe is so intriguing. Love Mads Mikkelsen in this role as well, he absolutely kills it (no pun intended).


Sorry we didn't get Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. as a choice, considering where you are in the MCU timeline.

Dolores Bellini

IMHO, I think you should finish some of the ones you already have started before starting another one.

John buchanan

Not sure how to suggest shows but watching the stuff with you I kinda feel I know what you would like. I really feel you would love chuck, 24, or prison break

Kelly Zydel

I'm with Dolores. You've got so many shows going. I don't know how you're keeping up


You know Mike from Glee, the guy with the impressive moves? He is one of the main characters in Shadowhunters. I Love Harry Shum Jr.


😂 damn! I haven't seen any of them so I can't comment about their quality.

Kelly Zydel

Okay I'm also being selfish knowing that if you start more shows the stuff I like to watch is going to become more infrequent :)

Travis Manning

I dont think so. I have been pretty fair with stuff i think unless people pay to boost something


I'm baffled that Hannibal has such low support. It's a really really good show