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This is such a [insert adjective other than fantastic] episode! A few "brief" points: First, some brief baseline rules for the Underworld we learned this episode; the Underworld is a bit of a "limbo world" for those with unfinished business, and is relatively neutral. The only way for the deceased to leave is to a worse place (as that random lackey did near the start), or to a better place (where Henry Sr. went). Also, clock ticks signify someone leaving to a better place, which Hades obviously dislikes. Also yes, a confirmation that it was indeed Hades in the final scene. Usually even if it's a recognizable character, OUAT verbally confirms who it is. I'm surprised they didn't do so in this case. I love the fact that they brought back so many characters, or even just nods to characters this episode, and there's more to come. While if memory serves the only protagonists to have died are Hook, Neal, the Sorcerer, and Merlin, there's no end of deceased antagonists. The headlines are obviously Cora and Pan (including his theme, yay!), but we also had appearances or references to Cruella, the Blind Witch (from 1x9 "True North" - Regina used Hansel and Gretel to steal the poisoned apple from her), and James. Timelines - While I haven't yet gotten to S5 in my mapping out of the timelines ("Operation Spiderweb" in honor of Henry :P ), as far as I can tell everything that occurs this episode does fit - most notably it shows Henry being taken by Cora, setting up the story of Regina and Jefferson rescuing him all the way back in 1x17 "Hat Trick". On the topic of timelines, it's also worth noting that with 5B, they resume the normal OUAT formula of one main "present" storyline, and one "flashback" storyline each episode, so stuff should be much easier to follow going forwards. In 3B and 5A, they tried combining a "split timeline" formula (think like Arrow, where there's a continuous storyline in both the past and present timelines) with the OUAT disjoint flashbacks, and as you saw, in 5B they did a worse job of it this time around. Touching as the Henry Jr / Henry Sr scene is, I love how this show continues to ignore how utterly forked Henry Jr's family tree is. Henry Sr. is both Henry Jr's adoptive grandfather, as well as his biological (ish) step-great-great-grandfather. I can't share the OUAT wiki's Family Tree yet since it contains spoilers, but damn is it messy lol. Location note, OUAT has finally checked off the requirement for any media shot in Vancouver - a scene filmed in Playland. We've only got one proper amusement park, so it makes appearances in damn near everything. Those curious, the Bug would have been right about here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/EFovhs3j1swdNfWF9 edit: I've since learned that the Neal scene was actually shot on a greenscreen and virtual production was used to place the Bug in Playland.


Once Upon a Time’s 100th episode!! Lots of returning faces, and yes definitely waited to see your reaction to Cora (and PETER PAN) 🤣 LOL timeline wise the flashbacks this episode happen before the flashbacks in S1E17 “The Hat Trick,” when Regina needed Jefferson’s (Sebastian Stan) hat to get to Wonderland to get her dad back. Ultimately, Regina betrayed Jefferson as he remained in Wonderland so that Henry Sr. could go back to The Enchanted Forest with her.


oh wow! i didn’t realize that the amusement park was near the town in Steveston. will definitely have to visit it when i (eventually) go to Storybrooke