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Siobhan Linehan

Definitely a mixed bag this episode, not a favourite of mine either. That leech really is creepy lol. But it was great to see Vastra, Jenny and Strax again. Love them. Strax especially because he's so funny. Although I really don't think The Doctor kissing Jenny without her consent was ok, made even worse considering she's a lesbian. That was a really bad writing decision that was rightfully met with a lot of criticism, and to his credit the writer apologized and said he wishes he'd never written that. So at least he learnt from it. There are good moments in this episode, especially between The Doctor and Clara. Their chemistry is adorable. But overall this isn't one I rewatch often. The next episode is a lot of fun though so I look forward to it. 😊

Ilsuk Yang

Strax always cracks me up lol. The Doctor recovering, then kissing Jenny, then her slapping him is just so funny to me 🤣🤣🤣 Other than that, the episode is just ok, though