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Sherry Sink

I really like this episode. We see some depth in Jane that's been hinted at since the first episode, but now it really hits. Especially when the daughter said "Parents are supposed to protect their children" -- you could pretty much see on Jane's face that he was thinking about how he hadn't protected his own child. And I agree, it's so interesting to watch this storyline develop. Regarding the psychic, I think she definitely hit on something raw in Patrick. I still wonder if it could be said that she's just really good at reading people, like Patrick is, and knew on some level that a father would want to know if his daughter suffered. Still, whether or not she has a gift, one hopes what she said brings him a tiny modicum of peace.

Ilsuk Yang

So Clara was actually in The Avengers (she's the waitress that "America's ass" saves lol). She's also the voice actress for a very popular character in my favorite video game ever (I won't say which one in case you ever decide to become a gamer lol). Man, you can see the acting chops on Simon Baker in this episode, especially that last scene 😢 There's so much I want to say about Christina, but spoilers 🤐🤐🤐